Well, the time has come...
Today I start moving out. I'll be making two trips between WA and CA instead of opting to rent a truck. Even though there's a lot of driving ahead of me, I'll at least have some money in my pocket. So, to everyone in WA: I'll be back Monday for the rest of my stuff, then I'll be gone for good. To everyone in the CA: Prepare yourself... I'm heading your way... XD
0 - 0 - 0
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7 - 11 - 13

*Damn..... I have a lot to do ><*
So, for those of you who haven't figured it out, the title *and the last post* contain a timer. Those who know me at least know what the first number is. :P My co-workers more than likely know what the second number is, and unless I've told you, odds are guessing the third number might be a tad bit difficult. XD Have fun with that!
In other news, I have been trying to finalize all my plans, so that this move can be as smooth as possible.
I have orientation on the 25th *essentially it's an all day thing* and that only gives me a day of rest before had. >_>
The cheapest rental truck I can get *because for some reason, there are no one-way cargo vans* is about $350 ._. That's going to pull extra money that I could use towards rent and stuff :/
I'm trying to get my bro to help me move my stuff down to CA. Essentially, he'll be driving my car and I pay for his plane ticket back. I think it's a fair trade.
I have a list of places to check out when I get down there, but before I do that, I'll be hitting up Santa Cruz with Pat and everyone else. I hear it will be awesome, so.... yeah.... It's definitely something I'm looking forward to. *I need a break from all this thinking ><*
I just learned today that I don't have work on my B-Day! Why is this awesome? Well, this is the first B-Day that I wasn't scheduled to work in 2 years. *I'm not counting the month I went to Japan b/c I was on vacation XD* I have no idea what I'm going to do that day..... Probably sleep or something :/
I made a checklist off all the stuff I'm going to need for the place we eventually find. The list slowly grows by the day, and I'm starting to think that this might be a little more money than what I was expecting. Still, I will keep at it. Eventually, the whole list will be done!
I'm both excited and panicked that I'm finally leaving the WA. I've been saying it for almost 3 years and now it's finally happening. Much like my first solo trip to Japan, I imagine that this will be quite an experience, both good and bad. Still I look forward to it. Hopefully everything works out. :)
Well, that's all I have for now.
So, Until Next Time.
Randomized by 黒* 1 thoughts
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