
For the Hell of it

Comic Con 2009
*Guess where I'm going in July*

Because of the, what seems like unending suggestion of a certain friend, I will be attending Comic Con 2009 this year!

While I'll only be their for Friday *may consider Thursday as well, but we'll see*, it will give me a chance to go to probably the biggest comic convention in the US *in my opinion*

Next stop...

TGS 2009... sort of

This year's theme is: GAMEは、元気です。

I want to go to this one so bad. I've missed most of my chances while I lived in Japan, so one day, I hope to go to this, even if just once. ><

Until Next Time!


A Newer Look

Well? Thoughts?

Well, what do you think? Is this an upgrade or should I revert back to my original background/ wallpaper?


Progressive progress is made

*Obey the Spam Pizza and all it's Glory!!*

Well, as some of you may have noted... or not, I went on my Super Special Awesome Road Trip to California last week and believe me, it was an interesting one.

- Driving To CA: I had told myself that this trip would take almost half a day to get to my destination, but the actual drive time and realization didn't hit until I was only 184 miles into OR in Albany about 50+ miles from Eugene. After my initial stop in that small town, I was on my way again. Another few hours and I would make my next stop just over the border of CA. The change of scenery was definitely dramatic. It went from giant forest highway to Mountain scenery in about half an hour.

Essentially, Oregon was a giant forest. The state goes something like this:

Portland > Forest > Eugene > Forest > Forest > Medford > Forest till you hit the CA border which is about 2-3hrs away. I admit, it looked awesome. However, it stopped being awesome after the first 3 hours >_o

Driving there, I was going a good.... I would say... 80 to 90mph the whole way. XD There were only like 5 cops I had seen during my whole driving experience, so I'm quite amazed I got away with it.

Another thing I learned is that in Oregon, you don't fill up your own gas tank. Much like Japan, they have people to do that for you. It was definitely a shock, especially when I made a stop at my first gas station there. Awkward indeed, but cool nonetheless.

Another thing that struck me as odd was the border patrol in California. They actually have an inspection stand at the border. o_O And for what? To make sure you don't have any rotten fruits or vegetables. That's it. It's the only question you're asked and nothing else. It was.... different....

- While in CA: I finally made it to Pat's house at about 7:40-ish in the PM. The quick summary of the trip goes something like this:

Drinking and other -> Karaoke -> Bacon and Jam -> Guitar Hero -> Electroma -> Blessthefall -> Gaming -> plus more. Many good times...

My time did feel quite short there, but I think there is a remedy to that... continue reading to see what I mean...

- My Drive Back to the WA: I left at about 8:30 am to make sure that I had enough sleep. *since I went to sleep at 4:30am the night before* The drive actually wasn't that bad going back. I was stuck in traffic for 2 hours though because a truck crashed or something along those lines. No movement in traffic... :/ I took advantage of that by taking a quick nap XD By the time I woke up, the traffic had started to move and in no time, I was moving again. I mad a few stops in OR to take advantage of the no sales tax deal and to just chill before I made it home.

I got home at almost 9:30pm. The drive took a little more than 12 hours this time around, but that was understandable. Interestingly enough, it did not feel as long. Going to seemed to drag on forever, but coming back wasn't too bad. Made me consider taking another road trip down there in the future.

The day after my trip was a mixed bag that turned out to be pretty good.

It started when I got a text from one of my coworkers saying that I was supposed to be at work at 145pm and it was now 215. At first, I thought it was a joke b/c I had requested that day off. Sure enough though, after calling and talking to my manager, I was indeed scheduled to work that day. >__________< Ultimately, I was almost 2 hrs late.

However, my day took an interesting turn towards the end of my shift. I was talking with another associate and we began to wonder when the Fall school year started in CA. So, I went to the Davis website to find out when school started. Turns out, the term begins on Sept. 21st.

After clearing that up, I returned to the main page. As I was about to close out the window, I saw a link that said "Fall 09' Undergraduates Admission Letters". I wasn't expecting anything since I had checked two days before and there was no change. I clicked the link, signed in, and.......


That was probably the best news I had heard all year.

Now, I have to start planning. Where will I live? Where will I work? How much will this all cost? I have till before the end of June to figure all this out. :/ Still, I more than excited about hearing the news!

So, I'll end this post with some scenery pics of my drive through the states.

*It rained from Oly to Portland :/*

*A Mountain!*

More Scenery
*I think this is Mt. Shasta on my way back to the WA*

*I felt a little uneasy filling up at this station... Why? Well...*

*Yep... nothing but desert- like scenery*

More Nothing
*It just seemed like the kind of place where those unsuspecting teens from slasher flicks get killed off XD*

My first Sonic
*Sonic, one of my new favorite Fast Food places*

Until Next Time!


As things seem to get better...

*On the road*

So, it has been a while since my last post, but I think I have enough to talk about in this post

  • Upped my gaming experience by buying a new TV for my room. I still play my PS2 games on it, but I think I may consider a console upgrade in the near future

  • Been upgrading my comp for the past month and I'm almost done with that. Got a new HD, RAM, and OS. Now, I just need to work on my upgrading my video card and my computer will be up to date. :)

  • I got some time off and headed down here to CA for a week to hang out with some friends. It's pretty awesome so far, but that drive was seriously something I wouldn't contemplate doing that again for a long while. Unfortunately, I have to do that again real soon in order to go back >_<
  • Managed to take a few pics on the way. Not the greatest since I took them while driving. XD I'll be sure to do a better job on the drive back.
I've got a few more days left here before I head back to normal life back in WA :P Have a few things to do the next few days, but I will be sure to update.

Until next time!