
Treading in Summer Adventure

*I won't let you die on me!*

Sorry about not updating sooner. I'm actually on Day 5 of my 2011 WA trip. So far, it's been pretty good. I got to hang out with some friends and see what has changed since I was last here *not very much apparently* I got to hang out in Tacoma for a little while with one friend, went to Seattle for sushi with another, and walked around Olympia with another. So, at least I'm keeping myself somewhat busy. I'll be heading up to Canada this weekend *tomorrow morning* because my mom wants to pick up a few things and also visit our family up there. It would be nice if my other bros could come with, but it looks like that won't be happening unfortunately :/

My next major trip is to San Diego for Comic Con in a couple of weeks. I'm really excited for that trip, but now I'm starting to worry. I had all this money set aside specifically for that trip *it covered my hotel and gave me just a little bit of walking around money* However, now I've had to dip into the reserves because my funds have been slowly dwindling. :/ I won't let a repeat of what happened the year before last happen again this year *had the ticket, but no place to stay and pretty much no money* A part of me wonders if i should have just taken summer classes so the aid would help a little, but then I just think about the idea of taking classes during the summer and i quickly dismiss the idea XDD I'll work something out. I will go to CC and that will conclude my summer travels.

I was actually planning on visiting HI in Sept as well before classes start, but my dad recommended I visit another month, since there wouldn't be a lot going on during the time I planned to be there. I may just go during the holidays. i hadn't spent Christmas with my dad in a long, long while so maybe I could go then. I hear it's not that cold during the winter there anyways, so it might be ideal to go haha. I hope to have something worked out.

Anyways, I have plenty of pics of the trip so far, but I figure I'll do a massive pic post when the trip is done and I'll probably stick it on FB *the epicness of the 08 J-Trip warranted pics on this blog, but I haven't had that feel of epicness just yet* So, if you want to check those out, just keep a look out for them towards the end of next week.

Until Next Time!


Death is Not Imminent *for this at least*

That's right... I'm back!

So, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything *Sorry* since I've been relatively busy with school *kind of*, working whatever hours work decides to hand me, and essentially doing pretty much everything else except update this site *Awww* However, will this site meet with the same fate as my Xanga? Not anytime soon. See, what I've begun to notice is that this site is essentially a journal of my adventures. Since I've been lacking on those lately, my journal has been a little dead. I would update with stuff on my daily life, but really, there's nothing special about that.

There is good news; This summer should be quite interesting. I've got my WA trip coming up at the end of June, my Comic-Con trip near the end of July, and my hopefully potential HI trip in August. This summer should be interesting and have quite a few posts. Will it be like my 08' trip to Japan? Doubt it. However, you should be hearing a lot more from me.

I do have some reviews on movies to make, but I've seen so many since I last posted, I have no idea where to start. That post is going to take a little bit of time, so I'll see if I can get working on that when I get enough free time. *I could work on it this Sunday, since I don't have class or work, but.... we'll see...*

Anyways, Spring term is finally here and I'm just glad to have Winter term done and over with. I barely made it past 2 of my classes *I won't be making that mistake again... choosing the teachers, I mean*. I had an internship during my last term at an Elementary School as a teacher's aid and I'm continuing that this term as well. It's really the only thing I enjoyed last term *I kind of enjoyed my Communication class actually... enough so to make it one of my minors*. This term, I'm taking classes I'm actually enjoying so far. Two are for my major *Phonetics and Bi and Multilingualism* and one is a class on Greek and Roman Mythology *It's pretty cool so far*. However, I still can't wait till Summer rolls around. I'm still keen on the idea of sleeping and I don't seem to be getting much of it right now *that's mostly my fault though: procrastinating, staying up late for no reason, trying to beat a game, watching a movie, etc.*

Honestly though, I didn't expect this to be a full post and sure enough.... XD Hopefully, I'll have some more updates for you in the following days.

Until Next Time!


Just Enough to Amuse Me

*Completely unrelated to the post, but still.... it's pretty sweet, yeah?*

Let me start off by saying that I've bid this journal a Happy New Years' for the last 4 years *That's right, check it* and it does feel like time has passed by relatively quickly (partially due to the fact that 2010 was the worst year for posts XD) So now that this news is out of the way...

- I finally live in the same town as the school I attend! After moving 6 times within a 2 year period, I have finally ended up in Davis. I don't mind living here; it's actually a little nice. I get to take the bus to school daily, so I can save that gas for the drive to work -__- and I live close to DT Davis *seriously... I live literally 10 mins away. I could walk there, but then I think "I can just take the bus for free".... yep.*

- Living with entirely new roommates, yet again. They're chill like my last roommate, plus we have a little more in common; we're gamers *Yay! =D*

- Work is still work :/ *Need I explain anymore?*

- This term, I'm taking my usual 4 classes. Since the classes in my major were pretty much all filled up, I was left with a Linguistics class that's less than interesting and 3 filler classes. I've got:
  • Language, Gender, and Society - meh... I need it, so I suppose I'll put some effort into it

  • Communication Theories - I considered this as an alternative minor, but I'm not sure yet. This class doesn't do a very good job of holding my attention :/

  • Intro to Schools: I am actually enjoying the class. Probably because of my desire to be a teacher : P I'm also having fun with my internship at the Elem. School. :)

  • Intro to Winemaking - Ok... this is the ultimate filler class *even though my professor swears it isn't* It's really interesting to learn about something I know nothing about. I actually started to drink a little bit of wine b/c of this class *You know... on top of the other drinks I have on a weekly basis XD*
Here's to hoping this term turns out to be somewhat interesting!

Aside from that, there's really nothing new. I'll try to have a review up on my next post and we'll see if I can attempt to maintain the journal much better this year.

So, Until Next Time!



...and another year goes by. What will be in store for this year? Let's sit back, chill for a bit, and find out shall we?

*Also, I have no idea what the pic above actually is. I just thought it looked nice and would fit the theme of the post XDD*