
As the Horizon Draws Closer...


*Is it natural that I have a small panic attacks when I hear about any updates about this...... DEMO FOR 360 TOMORROW!!!!!!1!!1! *

Sorry for the lack of updates the past few days. It's not like I've been busy. I just haven't had any new updates really. : P

- Pre-ordered Resident Evil 5 for the 360 today. It was an awesome moment. Can't wait to get it. Apparently, you get this game cell with the order as well, so I'm really looking forward to that as well.

- School has been a mixed bag of fun. I only have two classes and they're actually pretty easy. Environmental Science doesn't seem too bad and I'm actually enjoying Piano. I have a song that I want to learn how to play, but I think that I have to study a lot more before I'm able to do it. :/ I'm kind of impatient though hahaha.

- Work has been equally "fun". I got a raise *Yay!*, but my hours have been cut down to 20 X# It really sucks.

- In about 6 more days, my 2 year anniversary at the Depot will be here. I have to admit; I'm both ecstatic, but horribly depressed. It's amazing that I've managed to hold a job this long, but I never imagined it would be here. .__.

Aside from that, there's really nothing new. I can't wait till this term is over. I'll be done with school here and hopefully, with this place.

Even though I've somewhat grown attached here, I can't shake the feeling that I was meant to travel. So that's something I plan to do. But, that's a topic for another post..

Until next time!


And so it begins again

Instrument Statue

*This giant instrument statue at the Seattle Music Experience. Pretty awesome overall*

Looks like school starts again for me tomorrow.

I decided to cut some corners this term and just take two classes, instead of three.

And to go a little bit more in depth, I've decided to drop Japanese. :/

It's not necessarily a choice I wanted to make, but facing the options in front of me, I decided that this was probably the best route.

Japanese class was ok. For the last two terms, I've just kind of been sitting there and staring at the wall, but it was still ok.

Seeing as how this is my last term at this college, I kind of wanted it to be more laid back and fun. Will I regret dropping this class? Perhaps.

I have not intention of dropping this language of course. I'll still be doing my independent studying. Sometimes I felt like I was learning more by myself than in the class :/

Plus, when I move onto my next college, I intend to take more Japanese classes as well.

I guess that's the first step in for 2009 : P



Winter Snow

*It actually snowed quite a bit during this vacation*

It's been quite an interesting year. Looking back on it, I thought the year went by pretty quickly actually. This year had as many positives as it did negatives. This year may not have had the biggest changes, but it definitely had a lot of events.
  • This is technically the last year that I'll be attending SPS

  • I managed to save enough money to go on my Summer trip back to Japan

  • Same job, different position. Happy 2 years at the Depot to me. : PA

  • My CA trip was much shorter this time around, but I'm definitely working on fixing that for next time

  • My time in the President position at the club I'm in is finally winding down. It's a great relief, but at the same time, a little saddening.

Another year has passed... but I predict that this year will be the year of change for me. I'm hesitant, but looking forward to it. I'm ready to take on anything and everything this year throws at me. I can definitely sense that this year won't be boring... at least for the most part hahaha.

Until Next time.

Happy New Year!