
Death is Not Imminent *for this at least*

That's right... I'm back!

So, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything *Sorry* since I've been relatively busy with school *kind of*, working whatever hours work decides to hand me, and essentially doing pretty much everything else except update this site *Awww* However, will this site meet with the same fate as my Xanga? Not anytime soon. See, what I've begun to notice is that this site is essentially a journal of my adventures. Since I've been lacking on those lately, my journal has been a little dead. I would update with stuff on my daily life, but really, there's nothing special about that.

There is good news; This summer should be quite interesting. I've got my WA trip coming up at the end of June, my Comic-Con trip near the end of July, and my hopefully potential HI trip in August. This summer should be interesting and have quite a few posts. Will it be like my 08' trip to Japan? Doubt it. However, you should be hearing a lot more from me.

I do have some reviews on movies to make, but I've seen so many since I last posted, I have no idea where to start. That post is going to take a little bit of time, so I'll see if I can get working on that when I get enough free time. *I could work on it this Sunday, since I don't have class or work, but.... we'll see...*

Anyways, Spring term is finally here and I'm just glad to have Winter term done and over with. I barely made it past 2 of my classes *I won't be making that mistake again... choosing the teachers, I mean*. I had an internship during my last term at an Elementary School as a teacher's aid and I'm continuing that this term as well. It's really the only thing I enjoyed last term *I kind of enjoyed my Communication class actually... enough so to make it one of my minors*. This term, I'm taking classes I'm actually enjoying so far. Two are for my major *Phonetics and Bi and Multilingualism* and one is a class on Greek and Roman Mythology *It's pretty cool so far*. However, I still can't wait till Summer rolls around. I'm still keen on the idea of sleeping and I don't seem to be getting much of it right now *that's mostly my fault though: procrastinating, staying up late for no reason, trying to beat a game, watching a movie, etc.*

Honestly though, I didn't expect this to be a full post and sure enough.... XD Hopefully, I'll have some more updates for you in the following days.

Until Next Time!


Kamil Fox said...

XD! Welcome back to the blogging world! Man it seems that craziest we've come to expect in our lives has not left us. What do you plan to do with writing? How are the internships makingy ou feel?

黒* said...

I'm just going to write about my adventures, per usual haha. Internship is finally over, but a part of me will miss it. I liked being in the classroom setting and that just re-affirmed my goal of being a teacher someday haha

V.M.L. said...

Teachers will love you because of your minor.