
In light of current news...

[No picture to post because I'm on my laptop :/]

So.... How about this for an opening liner:

Well, I've finally gotten all *well, almost all. I still have my box of manga that I left and a fan* of my stuff down here to CA. Now, all I have to worry about is the job and the apartment I'm trying to obtain.

Honestly, I didn't think that this process would be so difficult. Then again, when sh*t tends to happen *get screwed over from your job/ have to make multiple trips to get your stuff/ lack of funds for certain things* then you really can't be too prepared.

I have an interview tomorrow for a potential job. Then on Saturday, I'm heading back to the apartments to work on the lease papers and so forth. I can honestly say that this month is going to be a lot busier than I thought it was going to be.

What's starting to worry me now is Comic Con. I kind of just jumped right into that this year as one of those "in the moment" kind of things. I kind of wish I had planned this out better so that I wouldn't have to worry about it now. I still have the intent to go, but I also realize that it's going to be a lot harder now that I have a "full plate". Let's see what happens.

There are plenty of events that are lined up leading up to the beginning of school, which I am also starting to worry about as well. :/ However, let's just do this one day at a time and see where it goes. I'll try to keep up with the updates as this month progresses.

So, Until Next Time!