
Where has the time gone?

*At one point, this was all I did.... and it was pretty awesome*

I know it's been a while since I last posted anything. m(_ _)m Like I've said in the past, not too much goes on with me right now, but I've got a few updates, I guess I could post on here:

  • I'm now the Photo Lab Specialist at Target! What does that mean, you ask? It means that I get a .25 increase on my paycheck and I still get to work in other areas of the store, like Food Ave, Cart Attendant, Cashier, and Electronics =D

  • We still live in our temporary apartment, so I've pretty much said "F*k it all" and just decorated my room and stuff. I can definitely spend more time in here now. Seriously, blank walls keep me up at night o_o

  • I messed up on my scheduling >< I had requested the wrong week off for my trip back up the the WA and now I don't think I can go :/ Maybe if I traded my hours with someone, I could get 4 days off and just head up there then. Time's running out. I need to move fast :P

  • A few weeks ago, I went hiking through the hills in Vacaville with a couple of friends and I have to admit, it was really fun. I had a pre-hike smoke before I set out and I could have climbed those hills over and over XDD

  • I'm not sure if I've said this in the past, but I'll go ahead and say it just in case I didn't. A few months ago, our place got broken into and a few of our items were taken. My laptop and portable HD were taken, along with both my roommates laptops, the 360 with some games, and the Wii. :/ That explains part of the reason why I haven't been online as often. *I use to use my laptop in the living room, but now I have to go back to my room if I want to access the interwebs*

  • With that in mind, I'm working on getting a PS3 and a netbook. I don't know when I'll get them, but hopefully soon. I love my desktop, but it's stuck in one place and I'm usually in several different places :P

  • I've been having these travelling urges again, so I've started looking up places to travel to. I'm thinking if going to Japan and Oki will be too costly, maybe I can have some fun in Europe. I still have a lot of planning to do, so the trip probably won't happen this year.

  • Oh... OH! I went on the Comic-Con website and guess what I learned? All the 4 day passes + Thurs - Sat. passes have been sold out o_O I'm sorry, VML. I really thought I would have more time to get the passes. I'll try to think of another excuse to go down there XD

Well, that's all I have for now. I'll try my best to remember to post some movie reviews tomorrow. I've seen quite a few movies and I feel like ripping right into them XD

Until Next Time!