Since I don't have any really "new" news, I'll just reflect on some stuff that happened recently.
- For the past week, I've had no math class. I think the teacher said his foot was hurting the week before. *Yay! Logic in math really sucks. XP*
- I've only been to my first class on time 3 times the past 3 weeks. XD
- I got a Wii ^-^ (Mainly for Umbrella Chronicles) *You're the last one now, PS3. XDD*
- Still saving up some money for the summer. My hours aren't going to get any better till Spring, so I'm trying to save some funds. *It helps that I'm ahead in my car payments and that the insurance is paid off. I suppose the Wii and my credit card bill could be a setback for now though. :P*
- It's finally happened..... again. I got my 11th point at work. >< Only a week away from one year, no less! I hope they don't notice until afterwards. Even then, I hope they don't fire me. :/
- I've started to realize that my Japanese is really starting to go down. I was reviewing some papers from my Japanese II and III class and I could barely form half of those sentences. .____. So, to help me try and regain somewhat of a foothold in the language again, I decided to tutor a friend in basic Japanese *Hira, kata, basic kani and sentence structure* Nothing to terrible. It'll help him get some basics down and help me continue to have a solid base. Not to mention it's good practice for teaching. XD
- Like I said the bullet before hand, my Japanese is slipping. I may actually have to drop back into III so I can recall and practice what's been lost over the year. :/
- On a lighter note, to end this post, it's snowing outside! Which means no class today!! XD