

Since I don't have any really "new" news, I'll just reflect on some stuff that happened recently.

  • For the past week, I've had no math class. I think the teacher said his foot was hurting the week before. *Yay! Logic in math really sucks. XP*

  • I've only been to my first class on time 3 times the past 3 weeks. XD

  • I got a Wii ^-^ (Mainly for Umbrella Chronicles) *You're the last one now, PS3. XDD*

  • Still saving up some money for the summer. My hours aren't going to get any better till Spring, so I'm trying to save some funds. *It helps that I'm ahead in my car payments and that the insurance is paid off. I suppose the Wii and my credit card bill could be a setback for now though. :P*

  • It's finally happened..... again. I got my 11th point at work. >< Only a week away from one year, no less! I hope they don't notice until afterwards. Even then, I hope they don't fire me. :/

  • I've started to realize that my Japanese is really starting to go down. I was reviewing some papers from my Japanese II and III class and I could barely form half of those sentences. .____. So, to help me try and regain somewhat of a foothold in the language again, I decided to tutor a friend in basic Japanese *Hira, kata, basic kani and sentence structure* Nothing to terrible. It'll help him get some basics down and help me continue to have a solid base. Not to mention it's good practice for teaching. XD

  • Like I said the bullet before hand, my Japanese is slipping. I may actually have to drop back into III so I can recall and practice what's been lost over the year. :/
  • On a lighter note, to end this post, it's snowing outside! Which means no class today!! XD
Well, that's all I have to say for now. Until next time. またね...


バイオレット... 解散...












I didn't even get to see them live yet...




Job done
*On the East coast*

Ahhh... a new year.....

Doesn't feel like much is new or will change, really. :/

Looking back, this year has gone by fast and very slow, at times:
  • This was the first real year I had spent in the US.
  • I got my car towards the end of the year.
  • I started my first, most current, and longest running job here in the US.
  • I went to CA for the first time.
  • I attended school here for the first time since 11th grade.
  • I got my Oki tattoo *Biggest surprise for a lot of people*
  • I bought my first CURE magazine at Kinokuniya T-T
  • I went to the east coast for the first time in 10+ years
  • I started wearing dark clothes, instead of just black. XD
  • My manga collection has stayed at the same number since I left Oki, but my CD and DVD collection has grown quite a bit.
  • I hit the $3,000 mark and held it there for a few weeks. XD
  • I discovered the glory that is downtown Seattle.
  • I got a new amp. ^-^
  • I got to hang out with old friends
Looking at this new year, I can see only a few things that I hope will happen:
  • I'll visit CA again.
  • I'll go back to Japan, maybe in the summer.
  • I'll start to finish up college.... here, I mean.
  • Get back up to the $3,000 mark. XD
  • Maybe get promoted at work.
  • Attempt to get over this procrastination problem. XD
  • Maybe get another tattoo or a piercing.
And of course, the things I'm looking forward to:
  • Taste of Chaos *Avenged Sevenfold, Mucc, and D'espairs Ray = Pure awesomeness*
  • New Ajikan single and album
  • 21st B-day *Oh yes... lot's of alcohol XDD*
As far as resolutions go, I don't have any and have no plans to make them. Why? I was never really able to work on a set goal. If I could get to it, awesome, if not, then it was ok.

I have nothing planned for this year, but hopefully, this year will have plenty planned for me.

Happy New Years!