

Since I don't have any really "new" news, I'll just reflect on some stuff that happened recently.

  • For the past week, I've had no math class. I think the teacher said his foot was hurting the week before. *Yay! Logic in math really sucks. XP*

  • I've only been to my first class on time 3 times the past 3 weeks. XD

  • I got a Wii ^-^ (Mainly for Umbrella Chronicles) *You're the last one now, PS3. XDD*

  • Still saving up some money for the summer. My hours aren't going to get any better till Spring, so I'm trying to save some funds. *It helps that I'm ahead in my car payments and that the insurance is paid off. I suppose the Wii and my credit card bill could be a setback for now though. :P*

  • It's finally happened..... again. I got my 11th point at work. >< Only a week away from one year, no less! I hope they don't notice until afterwards. Even then, I hope they don't fire me. :/

  • I've started to realize that my Japanese is really starting to go down. I was reviewing some papers from my Japanese II and III class and I could barely form half of those sentences. .____. So, to help me try and regain somewhat of a foothold in the language again, I decided to tutor a friend in basic Japanese *Hira, kata, basic kani and sentence structure* Nothing to terrible. It'll help him get some basics down and help me continue to have a solid base. Not to mention it's good practice for teaching. XD

  • Like I said the bullet before hand, my Japanese is slipping. I may actually have to drop back into III so I can recall and practice what's been lost over the year. :/
  • On a lighter note, to end this post, it's snowing outside! Which means no class today!! XD
Well, that's all I have to say for now. Until next time. またね...


V.M.L. said...

Haha, that would be funny if your professor doesn't come back until a month later or something. XD Hell, I had a teacher who never came back after 3 days. XD (Silly story behind that.)

Don't worry, its okay to be late to class too many times. That's how I got a "D" in one of them! :D

I have a Wii-Wii too! We have Wiis! Weeeee!!!!

(Okay, I'm going to stop with the nutty messages. Sorry about them. I drank coffee awhile ago.)

Shit, I should be saving my money also. I'm going to need it for Anime Expo, Comic Con, and other planned excursions. Yet, I'm unemployed, so I'm going to be a cheap shopper for now.

Pretty amazing that you're still working there. Show them that you deserve to work there (for the money, that is XD) so be careful.

You're taking Japanese right now? I thought you were taking ASL.

Its good that you're tutoring. Indeed, its a learning experience for both a tutor and student. Reminds me when I once helped Brandi and my sister with their algebra homework.

It was raining for days until today. I still had school though, but I couldn't go anywhere else. >_<

Anonymous said...



V.M.L. said...

Haha! Hopefully your professor will get better. (Maybe your professor is doing that just to have an excuse not to work. Hell, that's what I thought about my teacher.) For now, you're stuck with a substitute. XD