Yeah.... I didn't know what to think when I saw this either. XD
It has been a little while since an update, so I'll post some new things that have happened.
My Cultural Anthropology paper is finally done!! With that out of the way, all I have are finals. Good and bad thing really. I know I won't have too much of a problem with my first two classes, but my final class may prove otherwise. I have to do an early Japanese presentation and final, I have to do 2 labs and, I think, 2 tests early, including the final, and 2 Cult. Anth. tests. Cultural Anth. worries me the most b/c it seems that I may not be doing that well in the class. If this paper bombs, then that's it for my grade in the class. I'm really hoping for at least a D on it. :/
Shuu also pointed out that some chick had put me on her blogspot as a link. I have no idea how she got to me or even if she knows who I am, but I'm being a little cautious now. I've decided to add a locater on my page to see who checks my profile and to make sure no creepy chicks that I haven't met before add me for no apparent reason except to maybe boost there friend count; in which I reply, if something like that is happening: "F*king grow up already. This isn't MySpace." I'm waiting to see if she responds to my comment.
A little while back ago, a good friend of mine, Shuu, posted on his page that he was reading through my Xanga and was recalling all the memories of Japan that we had. As I read through his post, I couldn't help but remember all the adventures we had and all the stupid crap we did: Tsutaya, Label Finger, Yoshinoya, The Drill, Family Mart, Cape Hedo, The Giant U-Turn, deadly snack foods, radiator problems, the claw, Ajikan, arcades, Jesus, Book Box, GEO, and Karaoke. These all bring up awesome but sad memories of a time when everything seemed to be so care-free. I'm sincerely hoping that this trip to Japan will be another chapter in this adventure of life that will be filled with awesome memories and equally stupid crap. XD
I'm ready for Japan. But do you think Japan is ready for us?
9 more days....