*For those who understand this reference, we all know who the true victor is... ;D*
Well, this is not a picture post. *I'm saving that for Saturday so stay tuned!* Rather, it's just a small update post. *I promise, its not that long.*
I haven't been doing much online because of two things: Work and getting back into gaming.
Work- For the past 2 weeks, I have been working the steady Mon.-Fri. 2pm-10:30 shift. It... sucks... Not because of my time, but b/c I'm always closing at Returns. >< However, after my 4 day weekend *yes, they've decided to finally cut my hours again* I'll be working in a few different places. Still... I work the closing shift... *deep sigh*
Gaming- When I'm not at work, this is what I'm doing. Ever since I started getting back into gaming, it feels like that's what's been taking up most of my time. Hell.... what else is there to do here? I think that this will take up a huge chunk of my "mini holiday".
Anything else that's new with me? No. Simplest answer. Nothing new really. Same old suck as usual. Oh.... OH! There was one thing new.
I bought SPACED the series on DVD finally! Ever since I saw the commercial that they were finally importing it to the US, I had been waiting for it. I think I've watched it numerous times now. XD If you haven't seen it yet, you must! It's that awesome. I think there are still some clips on youtube...
Until next time *most likely Saturday*, Later.
True victor? That's bullshit. The true victor killed him ;D
Ha, my friend never shuts up about SPACED! She keeps telling me about it and wants to show it to me. I'm yet to see a full episode. Hell, there was even a SPACED panel at Comic Con. :\ All I know is that Simon Pegg is in it and Edgar Wright made the series.
Hahaha, L shoe...
Heh, after I finished summer school, I was totally in the mood to play video games. Only problem was that I lost one of the games I was playing awhile back. :( Now I'm playing something else.
Next time I go to Comic Con, I'm going to panels super early. That's what I did for the FLAPJACK panel and the panels last year. That seems to be the secret to enjoying Comic Con. XD
Oh yeah, I did not buy anything from the exhibit hall whatsoever. Some people think that's a big deal. Whatever.
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