So, here's a small of update of what's been going on lately, plus a side story of what happened yesterday:
- School starts next week for me. I'm happy that it's finally starting up again, but at the same time, who wants to go to school? XD
The classes I'm taking this term are:
GEOL 101: Intro to Geology *I needed a science class and this was pretty much it :/*
PE 180: Lifetime wellness *Elective credit*
JAPN 221: Japanese 4 *Trying to raise my GPA XD*
PE 180: Lifetime wellness *Elective credit*
JAPN 221: Japanese 4 *Trying to raise my GPA XD*
Nothing too great or special. :/
- As far as work goes, I kind of got my wish of moving to a different dept. I'm still technically a cashier, but now I work at the service desk. It's a little better, but it still sucks b/c I'm essentially the only one in the store, at times, that knows what to do there. It really sucks when it comes to getting my breaks and lunches on time. :/
Now that we have that out of the way, here's a little story about what happened yesterday:
So, I woke up around 1pm and started gaming around 2 *b/c it's my day off and I have nothing better to do XD* This is pretty much what I've been doing the whole day, so I had no intention of going out. Around 8pm, I got a call from my classmates *I call them that b/c that's exactly what they are; nothing more, nothing less* asking if I wanted to go with them to the beach. I must have been really bored b/c for some reason, I actually agreed. They wanted to meet up around 3am so we could make it to the coast. *From where I am, it's actually pretty damn far to get to the coast + they wanted to see the sunrise ><*
First, I had to drive out my way for an hour to pick them up b/c they couldn't drive. Then, we got lost on the back roads of Olympia. When we finally got on the highway, we had been driving for about 2 hrs already. Driving to the coast took almost 3 hours. There were so many country roads that I seriously thought I was going the wrong way half the time. And don't get me wrong, I like WA's scenery, but when you drive through it once, you've basically seen it all. That's pretty much how I felt as I tried my best not to find a way to kill myself while figuring out where the hell I was going. After many hours, we finally got to the coast. However...

... yeah. That's what WA's beaches basically look like. I really shouldn't have been surprised, but it just felt that this was not worth the 3+ hour drive to get there. It was rainy, cold, foggy and pointless. I was seriously at a loss of words. I was so pissed off, but I felt like I deserved it b/c I just had a feeling that something like this would happen. We stayed there for a total of 20 minutes before I threatened to leave them stranded there.
Then, it was another 3+ hours to get back. In total, I left my house at 4am and came back at 11am. It didn't end there though. I tried to sleep, but could only manage to get 2 hrs. ><
So... I've been awake, essentially for the past 2 days on only 2 hours of sleep...
Just a reminder that something like this is not going to happen again........................soon.
Well, I'm going to try and crash for a little while, so until next time.
Wrong. damn wrong. I hope you've learned something from this. wonder you hate your classmates. XD Don't EVER let non-drivers take advantage of you like that!
heh, I'm behind in NARUTO. I haven't read the manga in a long time. I want to get back to reading it though.
HEROES season 2 was sucky. The only thing good about it was Adam Monroe. I hated the season finale.
They showed two new episodes on Monday. It was interesting and it had some improvement from previous episodes. Still, there were stupid moments, like a very awkward sex scene between Mohinder and Maya... o_o
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