
I'm sorry.... What just happened? Paranormal Activity Movie Review (2009)

Paranormal Activity

*Did you know this was a movie? I didn't. I kind of regret knowing though...*

So, a few weeks back, I was skimming facebook, per usual, because I was bored. I saw an ad link for a movie that had something to do with a haunting. Naturally, being a ghost fanatic, I was like "Hmmmm.... I may have to check this out" I clicked the link and was directed to a trailer site for a "documentary" about a haunting of a couple in their home. There were a few jumpy scenes, a lot of audience reaction, and the words "Possibly the scariest movie of the year!" Naturally, I was a little skeptical, but decided to think about seeing it. I checked for a listing and discovered that it was only being shown in select theaters. With that in mind, I dropped even bothering to see it.

Then yesterday, as I was getting ready for work, I received a text from a friend of mine inviting me to see the movie with him and a few friends. Apparently, there was a screening in Davis that night after I got off. I agreed to go, with the hopes that it would be a pretty good way to kill some time.

It was.... mixed.

I got home after work, changed, and we headed to the theater. We entered the theater and sat through some trailers. They were all horror- related, which seemed appropriate for the movie and some actually seemed kind of interesting. I may have to attend a few. However, did you know that the 6th, that's right, the 6th SAW movie will be out this Halloween?! I thought that idea died already. :/ I guess I'm just out of date. I stopped after 2, so I don't really care. hahaha

The first sign that this movie was going to be something lame was the intro. I won't spoil it, but if you've seen the BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, it had a similar opening. With that now embedded in my mind, the movie was pretty much ruined. Another thing that kind of ruined the movie was all the college students who wouldn't shut up. I get it; it's a "scary" movie, but you don't have to comment every 10 seconds that sh*ts about to happen.

I will say though, for a low budget movie, it did manage to get a few gasps from me. Maybe 2, I think. The shock value and story setup were pretty good, but if you're like me, then you may have already been ruined by ghost footage on the internet and tv shows. That's what the movie felt like to me. Like a single ghost haunting story. Sorry to say, but I've seen scarier. I don't know what the hype was about, but I think they need to pull back. BWP already did it and I was sort of suckered into that.

*sigh* Damn you hype....

(Judgment: ★★½ of 5: I appreciate the shock factor and the story, but we've seen this already. Watch BWP and you've already seen this movie for the most part. I suggest borrowing it from a friend when it comes out.)

Until Next Time~


Kamil Fox said...

hype is like getting an awesome toy for christmas.... and find out santa forgot to bring batteries....

V.M.L. said...

I should see that movie.

V.M.L. said...

PA was more cheaply-made than BWP, production-costs-wise. Also, I hate stupid annoying college kids too, so I'll rent the movie later on. I hope the ghosts don't lock me in the living room like what happened to Steven Spielberg.