Well, that's all I have for now. Hope you enjoyed my longer than usual review XD
Well, that's all I have for now. Hope you enjoyed my longer than usual review XD
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10 steps back and 12 steps forward
- Lite w/ 25% less sodium <- Seriously... why?
Needless to say, I had a hay day when I saw 3 out of the 4 cans and promptly made some purchases XD
Anyways, I figured it's time for an update for two reasons:
1. It's been a while and I'm trying to get back into the habit of updating again
2. I'm bored.... and in HI (Hawai'i, if you couldn't figure that out) [Also, it's a bit odd that I'm bored, right?]
So, I don't have any type of reliable transportation here when my dad goes to work. I have the option of renting a car, moped, or buggy but, of course, there's always an issue with that. For 1) they all involve money, which is the one thing I'm trying to restrict myself on while I'm here. 2) The last time I rode a moped was back in 2006/07. Yeah... It's been a while. 3) The buggy not only looks extremely lame, but it's also a manual shift X#
So, I have to either wait for him to get off work before I can go anywhere or rely on public transportation (which is just not going to happen). However, my days here so far haven't been all that bad. I managed to take a few pictures (nothing nature though... yet) and I went paddle boarding this morning which was also pretty cool. It's been almost 2 years since I've been in any body of water (pool or sea or ocean or river.... you get the idea) so falling off my board for the first time today was quite fun. I look forward to doing more water activites before I bail from the island.
Moving along, I've missed Comic Con again this year. -_______- The tickets for it sold out almost immediately. So unreal. Scott Pilgrim seemed to be one of the main focuses of the convention this year and after reading through the comic, I was seriously slitting my wrists at the idea I missed this opportunity again. Last year it was Dead Space. Now, Scott Pilgrim. *Sigh* I know next year will be just as good, seeing as how all the superhero movies will be coming out Summer 2011, plus some games to look forward to. I've convinced a few of my friends to go to Comic Con next year with me and that will just make it that much more awesome. It'll make the rooms a little cheaper and the whole thing even more fun overall. I'll be buying my tickets when I first find out that they're up for sale. I'm going for the 4-Day pass. Even if I don't spend the whole day of the 4-days within the convention halls, I'm sure there's something to do in SD. I promise to make it your way VML! XD
I'm STILL trying to find a place to move into after a whole year of moving. I'm getting closer to getting a place now, however. I've decided to just settle with living with complete strangers for the upcoming year in Davis. Well, not complete complete. They'll be UCD students, so we'll have something in common. I guess this gives me the opportunity to meet new people at the school and gain new experience as well. I'm going to try to remain optimistic about this...
Now, I know it's been a while, but I'm finally posting up a new review! *audible gasp* I want to try and get into the habit again, since the main reason I put this website up was to make reviews. So, I need to get that going again...
Ok... so, I saw Inception about a week or so back and I must say, it was really good. You could definitely tell it was a Nolan film. It just had this epic feel to it. While the whole premise of the movie is not too complicated to understand, by the time the movie ends, you might be able to pick at so many layers of ideas that encompass this film that you might just give yourself a headache. XD It's a smart movie, but you'll definitely enjoy it. Yes, it's a 2 hr+ movie, but you know what? You don't even realize it, since it's so full of action and stunning visuals. I know exactly what I'm buying on Blu-ray when it comes out :D
(Judgement: ★★★★★ You'll love this movie and you can watch it over and over again to catch what you might have missed the first time around. I hope the Special Features will be just as awesome as the movie was)
That's all I've got for now. I'll try to post some pics of my trip on here, but the best place to find it is on my FB. If you don't know it, well..... I guess you've got a hunt on your hands, don't you?
Until Next Time!
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Sorry for my extended absence. School and moving have limited my writing time so much that I've forgotten that I actually had this blog. XD
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Where has the time gone?
- I'm now the Photo Lab Specialist at Target! What does that mean, you ask? It means that I get a .25 increase on my paycheck and I still get to work in other areas of the store, like Food Ave, Cart Attendant, Cashier, and Electronics =D
- We still live in our temporary apartment, so I've pretty much said "F*k it all" and just decorated my room and stuff. I can definitely spend more time in here now. Seriously, blank walls keep me up at night o_o
- I messed up on my scheduling >< I had requested the wrong week off for my trip back up the the WA and now I don't think I can go :/ Maybe if I traded my hours with someone, I could get 4 days off and just head up there then. Time's running out. I need to move fast :P
- A few weeks ago, I went hiking through the hills in Vacaville with a couple of friends and I have to admit, it was really fun. I had a pre-hike smoke before I set out and I could have climbed those hills over and over XDD
- I'm not sure if I've said this in the past, but I'll go ahead and say it just in case I didn't. A few months ago, our place got broken into and a few of our items were taken. My laptop and portable HD were taken, along with both my roommates laptops, the 360 with some games, and the Wii. :/ That explains part of the reason why I haven't been online as often. *I use to use my laptop in the living room, but now I have to go back to my room if I want to access the interwebs*
- With that in mind, I'm working on getting a PS3 and a netbook. I don't know when I'll get them, but hopefully soon. I love my desktop, but it's stuck in one place and I'm usually in several different places :P
- I've been having these travelling urges again, so I've started looking up places to travel to. I'm thinking if going to Japan and Oki will be too costly, maybe I can have some fun in Europe. I still have a lot of planning to do, so the trip probably won't happen this year.
- Oh... OH! I went on the Comic-Con website and guess what I learned? All the 4 day passes + Thurs - Sat. passes have been sold out o_O I'm sorry, VML. I really thought I would have more time to get the passes. I'll try to think of another excuse to go down there XD
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