This is what happened to my ring after extreme gaming. *Yeah, I'm that hardcore XDDD*
Anyways, there is not much new on my end. The end of the term has arrived and I am very happy! ^-^ I checked my grades on the 18th and they were what I was expecting. "B"'s in my ASL and Math class <= Biggest shock there. "C" in my Writ. 102 class. *Mainly due to the fact that I had failed to do one paper. I kind of regret it now* This term boosted my GPA, but only by a little. *After last term, I needed a boost. :/*
On Friday, Arlden *friend of mine since 5th grade* and I went to Seattle to visit Sushiland. Basically, it was a medium sized kaiten 「回転」 somewhere near the center of the city. It was pretty cool really. Essentially, everything was the same as the ones they has back in Japan, but with more workers and not as much to choose from. *at the time, at least* Nonetheless, it was still pretty cool.
Prior to that, we had gone to Gameworks *the only true arcade in this place* and it was ok. Just ok. The only good games there were Taiko no tatsujin 9 「太鼓の達人 9」 and this one assassin shooting game. Other than that, there was nothing special.
Aside from work, which has been cutting my hours since last week, all I've been doing is practicing bass and playing on our new 360. Been playing Orange box and it's pretty awesome. Bass wise, I've just been coming up with random stuff b/c I'm tired of doing covers. Eventually I'll get back into work on some songs, but for now, I'm just experimenting.
December is also the month where I plan for upcoming trips for the upcoming year. I'm not entirely sure yet, but I may head off to Japan this summer. Once again, however, I'm not entirely sure. Might also plan another trip down to CA. I'm working out how much to save and how much might be spent. So far, I'm in the clear, as far as funds go.
Taste of Chaos will be heading to Seattle April 19th and I can't wait. Tickets start going on sale Jan. 5th, so I'll be sure to get mine that day. Ajikan will be releasing a new single in Feb. as well: "Korogaru ishi, kimi ni asa ga furu" 「転がる岩、君に朝が降る」. Much like "After Dark"「アフターダーク」, I will be anticipating this one as well. If you want to see the new cover for the single click here.
Anyways, it's like 4am and I'm finally getting tired XD So, I'll just got to bed. I have to clean tomorrow *Today technically* b/c my bros and I will be heading to the east coast to visit family on my dad's side for the holidays. :/ From what my bros say, it's not that bad, but I'll have to see for myself.
Man, I'd like to see you play Pain Station. XDD
Haha, don't miss an essay next time. I got an "F" in junior English back in high school, because I fucked up an essay. Also, I suggest you drop a general ed class if you start getting too much work. Just for the sake of your grades and sanity. XD
You should be a musician if you like your bass so much. XD Better yet, get a guitar and keyboard.
Wow, I'm not the only one who hasn't seen I AM LEGEND yet. XD For some reason, my cousin cried over the ending. XD
Hey, you liked SILENT HILL, which was a video game movie.
There's never really been a good video game movie. Video games are just like books: people have different experiences and feelings when they play video games. One's interpretation of a video game doesn't match another's. That's why video games don't translate well into movies. Worst, the plots are different than the video game's and the story generally sucks.
The ads for HITMAN made it look cool, but I don't think the actor is right for the role.
You saw the WALL-E trailer without me telling you? Good boy! ^_^
That's ok. I've seen the pics. :/
I know. I figured I should have finished that essay, but I only could get through the first paragraph.
No.... That's ok. You have to practice if you want to stay polished. Don't want a guitar or keyboard.
Yeah, that's why I said most video game movies. Not all.
I know that in order to enjoy those movies, you have to be able to see the movie as a something separate from the game/ books. However, it's hard when you enjoy the series.
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