Well, the term is ending. Next week is finals. It's not so bad this time around. I took my ASL final on Wed. and it wasn't too bad. If I didn't do good on some parts, then I made up for it in the bonus points area. XD
Now, I just have to rework and finish my final Writ. 102 paper for Monday. *I'm doing it on Video Game Vs. Movie Ratings* I've got six pages done, but from my RD review, those pages need some serious revision. *Not a surprise. I did four of the pages 2 hours before I had to turn it in XDD*
Thought I didn't have to take my math final, but I found out on Thurs. that I have an 86%. *In my book, that is a really good grade* and I needed a 92% or better in order to skip it. So, on Tues., I'll be taking that. It doesn't look so bad. Maybe if I studied, I could get a good grade on a math test for once..... hmmmmm..... ><

- Math 108 = Statistics and Probabilities. *I don't know why, but I want to take this class over "The literature of Math"*
- Musc 147 = Class Piano I *Way back when, I had no desire to learn the piano, but learned a little bit anyways. Now, I want to try again.*
- Chem&105 = Chemical Concepts (or Basic Chemistry I) *It was a miracle I made it through Chemistry in HS and with a B, no less. Now, I'm taking a few steps back and redoing the class, college style*
- Psyc&200 = Lifespan Psychology *A class similar to what V.M.L took, but I'm not sure if it's the same. Basically, the psychology of Life and Death. Sounds fun, right?*
Blah, soy food generally sucks and I don't eat it a lot. (If you want to experience Ningyo Rin's jutsu Body Water Reservoir, drink soy eggnog!)
Looks like you kept changing your schedule too. XD
Math 108--WTF?! The Literature of Math is such an fun course! Now I'm going to reread my favorite intermediate algebra novel... XDD
Musc 147--were you repeating something I said? XD The good thing about learning the piano is that once you learn how to play it, its easier to play other instruments, note-wise.
Chem 105--I took chemistry in high school and got a C. If you miss one thing in the class, you're screwed. I thought about taking it again in college, but I'm thinking about physics now. I tried taking it in HS and the first thing the teacher said on the first day was "if you're bad at math, this class isn't for you." He basically scared me away. O_O
Psyc 200--I took intro to psychology, but we learned a little about developmental psychology. Interesting stuff though.
So, I'm totally taking piano as well during Winter semester xD I also got myself into some sort of Psychology, though I forgot which :\ Anyway, get your fat ass on MSN or something. HOO-FUCKING-RAY FOR WINTER BREAK :D!
maybe take fewer courses next time
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