Can you believe it's been 3 years already?!
So, I'm not going to weigh this entry down with a lot, since I just noticed the date and thought to myself "Wow.... it's been a little over 3 years since I've had this... sweet" XD
Now, with the update! (yes... singular)
- I'm finally moving into a place! ^-^ It's about 30 mins from where I am now, but it's not too bad. Getting to the school won't be so bad, but getting to work will definitely be something. It's not too bad though. It's only about 10 mins longer than when I lived in Dixon : P I'm just counting the days at this point. My roommate seems like a cool chick. I think we'll get along :)
Alright... who's ready for a review?

So, while I was in HI, my bros and I had come across a dilemma; we had the choice to watch
The Expendables or
Scott Pilgrim. Luckily, I was more than convincing when I propositioned SP. I don't regret it in the least.
For those unfamiliar with Scott Pilgrim, he's a character (and essentially the whole movie from which it is based) from a comic book that has been getting a lot of attention in the recent months. While the comic has just ended in July, it has been something that was running for a few years already. I was able to pick up the comic when I first saw a trailer for the movie. My initial impression was "Oh... a Michael Cera movie.... maybe." Luckily, while looking over the graphic novels at my local Borders, I happened to see the first volume of the series and began reading it. It is, hands down, one of the best graphic novels I have read so far. However, we're not here to discuss that, now are we?
Edgar Wright is one of my favorite directors *mainly b/c of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz*, so when I heard he was going to be directing this movie, I knew it wasn't going to be all that bad. The actors portray each character very well *yes, yes... even Michael Cera somewhat pulled of Scott*, but I have to say that my favorites were Knives, Julie, Stephen, The Exes and Wallace. They hit their character personalities spot on. Honorable mentions go to Kim, Ramona, and Scott.
Reviewing this movie *like lots of other adaptations* can be a bit tricky, since I happened to read the comic before watching the movie. You have to be able to not only incorporate how well it adapted into the film, but also how the movie stands as it's own, assuming that the viewers have no idea about the backstory to the movie.
I honestly believe this is a good movie. Yes, it did have it's moments of "wait...what?", but overall, it's a great spectacle of action, gaming references, 8-bit music, and *if you're a fan of the franchise already* a great adaptation. Would I change some things if I could? Definitely. Am I happy with it as it already is? You bet.
Judgement: ★★★★½ (Fan and non fans of the franchise will love this movie. While those who are already familiar with the history may want to change some things, it's still a great homage to a great comic... even if it has Michael Cera in the lead XD )
Well, that's all I have for now. Hope you enjoyed my longer than usual review XD
Until Next Time
PS: Yeah... I know there's some MC hate in my review... what of it? XD