*On the East coast*
Ahhh... a new year.....
Doesn't feel like much is new or will change, really. :/
Looking back, this year has gone by fast and very slow, at times:
- This was the first real year I had spent in the US.
- I got my car towards the end of the year.
- I started my first, most current, and longest running job here in the US.
- I went to CA for the first time.
- I attended school here for the first time since 11th grade.
- I got my Oki tattoo *Biggest surprise for a lot of people*
- I bought my first CURE magazine at Kinokuniya T-T
- I went to the east coast for the first time in 10+ years
- I started wearing dark clothes, instead of just black. XD
- My manga collection has stayed at the same number since I left Oki, but my CD and DVD collection has grown quite a bit.
- I hit the $3,000 mark and held it there for a few weeks. XD
- I discovered the glory that is downtown Seattle.
- I got a new amp. ^-^
- I got to hang out with old friends
- I'll visit CA again.
- I'll go back to Japan, maybe in the summer.
- I'll start to finish up college.... here, I mean.
- Get back up to the $3,000 mark. XD
- Maybe get promoted at work.
- Attempt to get over this procrastination problem. XD
- Maybe get another tattoo or a piercing.
- Taste of Chaos *Avenged Sevenfold, Mucc, and D'espairs Ray = Pure awesomeness*
- New Ajikan single and album
- 21st B-day *Oh yes... lot's of alcohol XDD*
I have nothing planned for this year, but hopefully, this year will have plenty planned for me.
Happy New Years!
I haven't made any resolutions. I can never keep up with them. XD Actually, I swore myself that I'll not stay in the sun too long and use sunscreen often. I'm sick and tired of unnecessary sunburns and tans. >_<
Did your family finally see your tattoo? XD If you're going to get another one, DO NOT get a pointless one. I mean, don't put people's names or stupid pictures. You're not a gravestone.
Okay, you bought CURE and started wearing "dark" clothes. So, when are you going to dress in visual kei style? XD
If you're going to CA again, go to Anime Expo. You'll love it. If you say no, you're sooooooooooooo missing out!!!!
Nice shovel, BTW.
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