*Final Event of the day*
After the first days event and looking over the schedule *yes... I did look over the schedule plenty of times* I concluded that there was really not much for me to see at the convention anymore. However, I was some how pulled back into going back to the convention and this is how my day turned out:
- I woke up at 5am b/c I had to go to work at 6. I was opening Returns and I was not at all happy at the thought. What made matters worse was the fact that I only slept for an hour before I had to wake up again. Needless to say, I was very sleep deprived. *Especially after I had been trying to break my school insomnia for Spring Break* I didn't realize that the day was going to be much longer than I had planned...
- After getting off of work at 2:30, I was asked by one of my classmates who was at the convention to get her some food when I head up there. I tried my best to find a way out of it, but eventually, I gave in. I did, however, say that I would be coming in late b/c I wanted some time to nap before another long drive to Seattle. At this point, certain things I'm over looking *the time and how much gas I had left* would have a great impact on the direction my day was going.
- After sleeping for about 2 hours *really not enough time for a good nap*, I got up and headed up to Seattle for the convention. The time is now 5:30pm. As I was driving I looked at my gas gauge and noticed that I was really starting to run low on gas, but my stupid assumptions led me to think that there was a gas station in the city. ><
- Most of the skits were actually good. While some were like "..... wtf just happened?", the parts I tolerated most showed at the start of the show. Needless to say, I did have some favorites. The one that I like the most was definitely this one: Watch me!. A Naruto Shippuden parody on the save Sasuke arc *currently showing now* Though it had some funny moments and a lot of fan girl junk I didn't really care about, the overlying message that Naruto bitches about Sasuke too much was what won me over.
- After *amazingly enough* sitting through every skit, I figured it was time for me to head home. I didn't want to be in Seattle any longer and I was worrying about how much gas was left in my car. For those who know me, I don't take direction well and tend to get lost very easily. That's exactly what happened when I was trying to find the freeway exit out of the city. Normally, it wouldn't bother me, but I was low on gas and starting to panic a little. *Lesson I learned about cities: There are no gas stations in the city. Only at the city limits and outside of the downtown area* Apparently, I was a little too slow at realizing this and when I finally back tracked to the convention, I found that I had actually pass the Freeway entrance. ><
- Finally! I found one. However... why the hell is it running so slow?! Apparently, the station was almost out of gas and was about to hit empty. It took 10 minutes to get to a gallon and a half. *I rounded it up to $6 before I called it quits and left* Luckily for me, my car was pretty good with gas and I made it a little bit more than 40 miles back home. *Yes, I got gas when I got back. A lesson learned about filling the gas tank before long drives XD* Of course, when I got home, I had received another call... [The time is now 11:30pm]
- On the other end of the line was one of my co workers *clearly drunk* asking me come hang out with the rest of my co-workers for a bachelor party. At first, I was thinking about not going seeing as how it was really late, but I figured "... eh... what the hell." So I headed, back the way I came, to Tacoma. [Now midnight]
- [Entire post opted out b/c of blurry memory and certain things I would like officials not to see XD]
Needless to say, I have a light headache and a chest cold again :/
Sakura Con analysis: ★★★★☆
So until next time... またね
Oh... btw... 2 Months!!! XDD
1 comment:
Damn it, be nice to your body! GET SOME SLEEP!!!!!
Anyway, it sucks going to cons with friends, doesn't it? XD Next time, tell her to get her own food! XDD
At least your car didn't stop in the middle of traffic. Be careful next time.
The video link isn't working.
About the trench coat, we're going to cut the bottom and sew the scraps into a tie.
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