Remember kids... Henomoheji is watching you... and he'll cut your ass if you mess up!
Today, I thought I would go ahead and jump into something a little different.
I made this journal to review stuff, so I figure, "What the hell? Why not get back on track once in a while"
So, in this post, I will review 3 games I recently rented: Ghost Squad, Castlevania: Judgement, & Warioware: Smooth Moves. Wish me luck!

Ghost Squad
Nintendo Wii
When I was in Japan, I loved going to the arcade and playing all the new shooting games that were there at the time. Ghost Squad just happened to be one of them. Now, I get to play the game from the comfort of my own home without being in Japan or a loud arcade. The main question while I stared at the game on the shelf was, "Do I really want it?" The answer was mixed. Ghost Squad makes it's expected appearance on the Wii and I have to say, the game is not as great as I remember it. Maybe playing with the zapper is not as fun as playing with the actual arcade gun that looked like a rifle. Maybe it's the fact that there are only 3 missions in the game. *Actually, there are more, but you only get 3 stages* It could very well be the less than great voice acting or the aging graphics. Either way, this game is still a fun half hour or so, especially if you play with a friend. For $20, I'd say it was a deal, but a better variety and more selection would be nice. I mean, it's not like they didn't try though. They had a training mode so you could show your friends how much of a better shot you were than them and a variety of unlockable costumes and weapons. Still, you would have to sit through the same 3 levels again, and again, and again to unlock everything.
Judgment: ★★★½☆☆ *Rent* (It's a good game to rent, but don't expect to play it for more than 2 hours top)

Castlevania: Judgment
Nintendo Wii
To be honest, I really had no idea what the whole Castlevania franchise was about until I did some research on it after playing this game. Personally, I loved reading the back story to the franchise and seeing how everything fell into place. Playing this game, however, was another story. First off, I loved the art for this game ever since I first laid eyes on it. Takeshi Obata has a very distinct drawing style that's difficult to overlook. So, naturally I wanted to try this game out. You get to several modes to play in: Training, Story, Survival, and Castle *which I suppose is story mode, but it isn't?* Anyways, you start off with 2 characters if you play story *Alucard and Simon* and you get like 7 or 8 if you do story. The only way to unlock other characters is as standard as it gets; beat the game with a character, unlock a character. I have no gripes about that. In fact, I actually liked Castle mode. The cut scenes looked cool and the graphics were overall appealing, but the gameplay had little to be desired. Let me tell you what I didn't like too much: how to play. Essentially, you get no instructions on how to play, so when my first fight happened, I didn't do anything expect use my super, jump, and throw things. Apparently, you fight by flailing the Wii-mote around. This was extremely frustrating because when I did shake the remote, he only performed one kind of attack. So, flipping through the book, I had to try and find a way to do anything other than that move. To my surprise, *well, not really* there was nothing. Naturally, I tried to figure it out and could only get so far before my anger and frustration got the better of me. I only played this game for a good hour or so before feeling the urge to destroy the game. Overall, the graphics are nice, the music is awesome, the character selection is meh, and the gameplay is crap.
Judgment: ★★☆☆☆ *Rent* (If you're a hardcore Castlevania fan, you may be able to tolerate this a little longer than me.... but not by much most likely)

Warioware: Smooth Moves
Nintendo Wii
I don't know why, but I'm always drawn to party type games. Maybe it's my competitive spirit that gets the best of me when I see them. Anyways, this game has been on my radar ever since I first heard it was coming stateside. Of course, those who know me well, know that when I forget something, I can forget it for a long time and then have it spontaneously come back. :P
Moving on, I've really enjoyed the Warioware games that have come out in the past, so naturally I assumed that this game would be just as fun. Well.... it was. I thoroughly enjoyed this game. All the randomness, mixed art, and interactivity just make this something that you'll have a hard time putting down. It's even better when you play with a friend. *Let's face it, you know you can chop wood faster XD* Plus, all the random poses the game teaches you to do with your wii-mote are pretty funny. The tutorials were a bit creepy, but it's a warioware game. What do you expect?! My only gripe is that some of the games are pretty damn hard. But I guess that's what practice is for, right?
Judgment: ★★★★★ *Rent or Buy* (It's fun to play weather you're by yourself or with a friend)
Hope I didn't do too bad on this review. :P and just maybe, you'll see more random review pop up from time to time...
Until next time!
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