It's that time of the year again....
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I'm sorry.... What just happened? Paranormal Activity Movie Review (2009)

*Did you know this was a movie? I didn't. I kind of regret knowing though...*
So, a few weeks back, I was skimming facebook, per usual, because I was bored. I saw an ad link for a movie that had something to do with a haunting. Naturally, being a ghost fanatic, I was like "Hmmmm.... I may have to check this out" I clicked the link and was directed to a trailer site for a "documentary" about a haunting of a couple in their home. There were a few jumpy scenes, a lot of audience reaction, and the words "Possibly the scariest movie of the year!" Naturally, I was a little skeptical, but decided to think about seeing it. I checked for a listing and discovered that it was only being shown in select theaters. With that in mind, I dropped even bothering to see it.
Then yesterday, as I was getting ready for work, I received a text from a friend of mine inviting me to see the movie with him and a few friends. Apparently, there was a screening in Davis that night after I got off. I agreed to go, with the hopes that it would be a pretty good way to kill some time.
It was.... mixed.
I got home after work, changed, and we headed to the theater. We entered the theater and sat through some trailers. They were all horror- related, which seemed appropriate for the movie and some actually seemed kind of interesting. I may have to attend a few. However, did you know that the 6th, that's right, the 6th SAW movie will be out this Halloween?! I thought that idea died already. :/ I guess I'm just out of date. I stopped after 2, so I don't really care. hahaha
The first sign that this movie was going to be something lame was the intro. I won't spoil it, but if you've seen the BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, it had a similar opening. With that now embedded in my mind, the movie was pretty much ruined. Another thing that kind of ruined the movie was all the college students who wouldn't shut up. I get it; it's a "scary" movie, but you don't have to comment every 10 seconds that sh*ts about to happen.
I will say though, for a low budget movie, it did manage to get a few gasps from me. Maybe 2, I think. The shock value and story setup were pretty good, but if you're like me, then you may have already been ruined by ghost footage on the internet and tv shows. That's what the movie felt like to me. Like a single ghost haunting story. Sorry to say, but I've seen scarier. I don't know what the hype was about, but I think they need to pull back. BWP already did it and I was sort of suckered into that.
*sigh* Damn you hype....
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A Kind of Old Story for a New Post

Anyways, this post is not about what's going on now. It's about something that happened back in June. *Yes, I know... it's really outdated, but around the time this happened, I was getting ready to move my stuff down here to CA, so it kind of slipped my mind.... over and over again XDD*
SO! I will break this story into two parts. What happened when me and my bro went up there and what happened when my mom and I went up there.
Story 1
When I was half way done with moving my stuff down to the CA, I headed back up to WA for a little break and to grab the remainder of stuff I had. During my stay, my brother and I went to Canada for one of my cousin's wedding. I kind of wanted/ kind of didn't want to go, but my bro was a part of the ceremony and it had been a while since I had seen our cousins, so I figure it would be nice to see them again before I leave for a while. Compared to the trip to CA, driving to Canada was sooooooooo easy. 4 hours? BAH!! I'll drive to Canada every weekend XDD *No, not really* Anyways, we get to the border; standard procedure: they ask you a bunch of questions (ege. Why are you coming into the country?/ How long?/ Are you bringing anything?/ etc.) We decide to go ahead and play along, but somewhere in the middle of the questions, things started to get a little odd...
At one point, the guard asked us 3 times where we were going and twice about the reason. We didn't find it suspicious. If anything, we started laughing. I mean, really now. If you're going to ask the same thing 3 times, expect to be mocked. We did say we were bringing in cake for the wedding, but if that's the reason, then they must have something against cake. I don't know if it flew well with the guard or not *I think he might have had sand in his vadge b/c he sent 2 others before us for inspection*, but the next thing we know is that we're being asked for inspection. We went inside the new-ish Border Patrol building and, I have to admit, it looked very nice. The "guards" in the building were very strict, almost never smiling, wearing bullet-proof vests, and carrying guns. While intimidating to some, I thought it was hella funny. I mean, will there really be someone that desperate to get into Canada that the guards suffer the risk of getting shot or having to shoot someone? Seriously now.... XD
Anyways, with the inspections done, one of the guards wanted to interview each of us *basically ask us both 3 questions*, which basically centered around the main question: "Have you ever been arrested?" Kind of offensive. but whatever. It didn't take too long, so we just brushed it off like it was nothing and proceeded to the wedding.
On a fun note, when we left the country, with stuff we shouldn't have, it only took us 20 seconds, when we were at the American border.
Congrats, America. You get a star sticker. XD
Story 2
Ok. So, the next time I went up to Canada was with my mom and her sister. My aunt lives in Canada and came down to visit us in the WA and some relatives in CA. *The first time I went to move my stuff to CA was with her and it wasn't too bad actually; I got to meet some of my relatives and hang out with them* Moving on, we got to the border, went through the whole questions process, and moved on. No inspection. I guess when you're in a car with Asian moms, nothing is suspicious, as opposed to a car with two 20 year olds with cake. XDD
We were only in Canada for 3 or 4 hours before we headed back. When we got to the American border this time though...
We were asked the same questions as last time, but this time, were asked to be inspected. Also, the guard put a sticker on my car that said NCIC on it. At the time, I had no idea what it meant, but I had a feeling that I would have an interesting story to tell when I got back.
We walk into the American Border Patrol office and it was not as impressive as Canada's. In fact, it was the exact same building that we went to the first time we ever went to Canada, back when I was in the 2nd grade. o_O
We stand in line, they ask us to take a seat and we just wait. My mom actually thought the situation was kind of funny, so we just talked about why we might be in there. I joked that it could be from when we brought stuff back that we weren't supposed to and so forth. Like Canada, these guys were pretty strict too. However, I didn't see any bullet proof vests, on anyone. What's up with that? I thought we were a pretty paranoid country, but I may actually have to retract that statement *gasp*
Anyways, we were finally called up and were asked a few questions. Actually, I was asked all the questions. One of which pertained to something my mom had yet to learn....
I'm standing at the counter, the guard has my passport in hand and his eyes are shifting between me and his screen. He calls another guard over and they discuss something privately real quick. He comes back and asks me a few more questions, then asks, "Do you have a tattoo?" At this point, I start to panic. I start to wonder if she knows or not, but of course, she says "I don't think he does" -__________-
I let out a small sigh and lift up my left sleeve, revealing my 2 year old tattoo.
Then, I hear laughter. She asks me when I got it. "Did you get it on Oki?" "
Yeah" I lied, wanting the moment to end.
I thought for sure I would get an ear full on the way home, but surprisingly enough, she was ok with it. It was almost like she expected something like this. I guess that's a good thing right?
Anyways, we were asked to sit down again and we started talking about what might be going on. She jokingly hinted that I kind of looked like a criminal, so that could be why. I humored her for a little while, before I was asked into the back room of the station. Now I was starting to get a little concerned. They took my fingerprints and a quick snapshot of me. At one point, there was actually a huddle of officers at the door while I was being processed. They'd look, then look away, and at one point, one of them actually pointed at me and said, "Is that the guy?" to another colleague. :/ After that was done, I was sent back into the waiting room and explained what had happened. She let out a light laugh and said I shouldn't worry. After all, I hadn't done anwything illegal in Canada.... yet. XD
After a few mins, we were called up to the desk again and explained the situation. Apparently, I matched the description of a criminal that had stabbed someone just a few hours ago. However, with no picture of the culprit, all they had was a witness account and description. I initially thought, "Wow.... this is JUST like what happened on my first trip to Japan" XD What really got me was what he said when we got up to the counter for the last time. It went a little something like this: "I have some good news and bad news. The good news is, you're not a criminal. You just match the description of one"
I guess that's still somewhat of a positive thing, right? hahahaha
After we left the border, I explained how the situation was similar to what happened in Japan to my mom and she was surprised to hear that story hahaha
So, why post this story now? Well, I've been meaning to, but I just didn't bother. I was reminded the other day to do it, so here it is. Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Until Next Time
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It's been too quiet in here....
How's everyone been? Sorry about the long silence. I still have yet to move into a place I could call my own and setup my desktop. :/
I suppose the biggest update is that I got a new job at Target, thanks to Shuu. So, aside from the random times I hang out with anyone, my time is spent at work and working on Dissidia. *If you don't know what it is, you need to click here and have your life changed forever!*
Nothing really too new that I can think of right now, so I'll just leave it at that. Hopefully the next time I out in an entry, I'll have my desktop setup ^-^
Until next time.
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In light of current news...
So.... How about this for an opening liner:
Well, I've finally gotten all *well, almost all. I still have my box of manga that I left and a fan* of my stuff down here to CA. Now, all I have to worry about is the job and the apartment I'm trying to obtain.
Honestly, I didn't think that this process would be so difficult. Then again, when sh*t tends to happen *get screwed over from your job/ have to make multiple trips to get your stuff/ lack of funds for certain things* then you really can't be too prepared.
I have an interview tomorrow for a potential job. Then on Saturday, I'm heading back to the apartments to work on the lease papers and so forth. I can honestly say that this month is going to be a lot busier than I thought it was going to be.
What's starting to worry me now is Comic Con. I kind of just jumped right into that this year as one of those "in the moment" kind of things. I kind of wish I had planned this out better so that I wouldn't have to worry about it now. I still have the intent to go, but I also realize that it's going to be a lot harder now that I have a "full plate". Let's see what happens.
There are plenty of events that are lined up leading up to the beginning of school, which I am also starting to worry about as well. :/ However, let's just do this one day at a time and see where it goes. I'll try to keep up with the updates as this month progresses.
So, Until Next Time!
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0 - 0 - 0
Well, the time has come...
Today I start moving out. I'll be making two trips between WA and CA instead of opting to rent a truck. Even though there's a lot of driving ahead of me, I'll at least have some money in my pocket. So, to everyone in WA: I'll be back Monday for the rest of my stuff, then I'll be gone for good. To everyone in the CA: Prepare yourself... I'm heading your way... XD
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7 - 11 - 13

*Damn..... I have a lot to do ><*
So, for those of you who haven't figured it out, the title *and the last post* contain a timer. Those who know me at least know what the first number is. :P My co-workers more than likely know what the second number is, and unless I've told you, odds are guessing the third number might be a tad bit difficult. XD Have fun with that!
In other news, I have been trying to finalize all my plans, so that this move can be as smooth as possible.
I have orientation on the 25th *essentially it's an all day thing* and that only gives me a day of rest before had. >_>
The cheapest rental truck I can get *because for some reason, there are no one-way cargo vans* is about $350 ._. That's going to pull extra money that I could use towards rent and stuff :/
I'm trying to get my bro to help me move my stuff down to CA. Essentially, he'll be driving my car and I pay for his plane ticket back. I think it's a fair trade.
I have a list of places to check out when I get down there, but before I do that, I'll be hitting up Santa Cruz with Pat and everyone else. I hear it will be awesome, so.... yeah.... It's definitely something I'm looking forward to. *I need a break from all this thinking ><*
I just learned today that I don't have work on my B-Day! Why is this awesome? Well, this is the first B-Day that I wasn't scheduled to work in 2 years. *I'm not counting the month I went to Japan b/c I was on vacation XD* I have no idea what I'm going to do that day..... Probably sleep or something :/
I made a checklist off all the stuff I'm going to need for the place we eventually find. The list slowly grows by the day, and I'm starting to think that this might be a little more money than what I was expecting. Still, I will keep at it. Eventually, the whole list will be done!
I'm both excited and panicked that I'm finally leaving the WA. I've been saying it for almost 3 years and now it's finally happening. Much like my first solo trip to Japan, I imagine that this will be quite an experience, both good and bad. Still I look forward to it. Hopefully everything works out. :)
Well, that's all I have for now.
So, Until Next Time.
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As the days draw closer and the time winds down

*No... it won't take that many boxes to move me, but I like to stress the fact that I have a lot of crap XD*
- I've established a better timeline of when I'll be making the big move. My current date is the 20th, but I'm willing to push it to the 23rd if need be.
- Along those lines, I've started to become a little more conscious of how I spend my money :P Need to save up to pay for all my expenses. Believe me, there will be quite a bit :/
- Because of that, I keep rethinking my Comic Con trip. At the moment, I've had to cut the trip down to 3 or 4 days in order to have enough money for it. Hopefully, I'll still be able to attend.
- Been practicing my bass a lot more recently since I heard of some pretty awesome news. Been working on new techniques and some covers. As always, I've also been working on random basslines as well. As far as I'm concerned, I can still use plenty more practice. :/
- I spent a whole day watching Eddie Izzard's stand-up specials. He's definitely one of my favorite comedians by far. So, if you're interested in getting into his stuff, here's my list of his best shows, from best to probably not so much:
2. "Dressed to Kill"
3. "Sexie"
4. "Unrepeatable"
5. "Definite Article"
6. "Circle"
Of course, I encourage you to watch any and all if you can. There's always something funny in each show.
Well, that's all the update I can think of at the moment.... yeah.... I think that's about it.
Anyways, Until Next time!
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For the Hell of it

*Guess where I'm going in July*
While I'll only be their for Friday *may consider Thursday as well, but we'll see*, it will give me a chance to go to probably the biggest comic convention in the US *in my opinion*
Next stop...

I want to go to this one so bad. I've missed most of my chances while I lived in Japan, so one day, I hope to go to this, even if just once. ><
Until Next Time!
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A Newer Look

Well, what do you think? Is this an upgrade or should I revert back to my original background/ wallpaper?
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Progressive progress is made

*Obey the Spam Pizza and all it's Glory!!*
Well, as some of you may have noted... or not, I went on my Super Special Awesome Road Trip to California last week and believe me, it was an interesting one.
- Driving To CA: I had told myself that this trip would take almost half a day to get to my destination, but the actual drive time and realization didn't hit until I was only 184 miles into OR in Albany about 50+ miles from Eugene. After my initial stop in that small town, I was on my way again. Another few hours and I would make my next stop just over the border of CA. The change of scenery was definitely dramatic. It went from giant forest highway to Mountain scenery in about half an hour.
Essentially, Oregon was a giant forest. The state goes something like this:
Portland > Forest > Eugene > Forest > Forest > Medford > Forest till you hit the CA border which is about 2-3hrs away. I admit, it looked awesome. However, it stopped being awesome after the first 3 hours >_o
Driving there, I was going a good.... I would say... 80 to 90mph the whole way. XD There were only like 5 cops I had seen during my whole driving experience, so I'm quite amazed I got away with it.
Another thing I learned is that in Oregon, you don't fill up your own gas tank. Much like Japan, they have people to do that for you. It was definitely a shock, especially when I made a stop at my first gas station there. Awkward indeed, but cool nonetheless.
Another thing that struck me as odd was the border patrol in California. They actually have an inspection stand at the border. o_O And for what? To make sure you don't have any rotten fruits or vegetables. That's it. It's the only question you're asked and nothing else. It was.... different....
- While in CA: I finally made it to Pat's house at about 7:40-ish in the PM. The quick summary of the trip goes something like this:
Drinking and other -> Karaoke -> Bacon and Jam -> Guitar Hero -> Electroma -> Blessthefall -> Gaming -> plus more. Many good times...
My time did feel quite short there, but I think there is a remedy to that... continue reading to see what I mean...
- My Drive Back to the WA: I left at about 8:30 am to make sure that I had enough sleep. *since I went to sleep at 4:30am the night before* The drive actually wasn't that bad going back. I was stuck in traffic for 2 hours though because a truck crashed or something along those lines. No movement in traffic... :/ I took advantage of that by taking a quick nap XD By the time I woke up, the traffic had started to move and in no time, I was moving again. I mad a few stops in OR to take advantage of the no sales tax deal and to just chill before I made it home.
I got home at almost 9:30pm. The drive took a little more than 12 hours this time around, but that was understandable. Interestingly enough, it did not feel as long. Going to seemed to drag on forever, but coming back wasn't too bad. Made me consider taking another road trip down there in the future.
The day after my trip was a mixed bag that turned out to be pretty good.
It started when I got a text from one of my coworkers saying that I was supposed to be at work at 145pm and it was now 215. At first, I thought it was a joke b/c I had requested that day off. Sure enough though, after calling and talking to my manager, I was indeed scheduled to work that day. >__________< Ultimately, I was almost 2 hrs late.
However, my day took an interesting turn towards the end of my shift. I was talking with another associate and we began to wonder when the Fall school year started in CA. So, I went to the Davis website to find out when school started. Turns out, the term begins on Sept. 21st.
After clearing that up, I returned to the main page. As I was about to close out the window, I saw a link that said "Fall 09' Undergraduates Admission Letters". I wasn't expecting anything since I had checked two days before and there was no change. I clicked the link, signed in, and.......
That was probably the best news I had heard all year.
Now, I have to start planning. Where will I live? Where will I work? How much will this all cost? I have till before the end of June to figure all this out. :/ Still, I more than excited about hearing the news!
So, I'll end this post with some scenery pics of my drive through the states.

*It rained from Oly to Portland :/*

*A Mountain!*

*I think this is Mt. Shasta on my way back to the WA*

*I felt a little uneasy filling up at this station... Why? Well...*

*Yep... nothing but desert- like scenery*

*It just seemed like the kind of place where those unsuspecting teens from slasher flicks get killed off XD*

*Sonic, one of my new favorite Fast Food places*
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As things seem to get better...

*On the road*
- Upped my gaming experience by buying a new TV for my room. I still play my PS2 games on it, but I think I may consider a console upgrade in the near future
- Been upgrading my comp for the past month and I'm almost done with that. Got a new HD, RAM, and OS. Now, I just need to work on my upgrading my video card and my computer will be up to date. :)
- I got some time off and headed down here to CA for a week to hang out with some friends. It's pretty awesome so far, but that drive was seriously something I wouldn't contemplate doing that again for a long while. Unfortunately, I have to do that again real soon in order to go back >_<
- Managed to take a few pics on the way. Not the greatest since I took them while driving. XD I'll be sure to do a better job on the drive back.
Until next time!
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Let's Review: Wii Games

Remember kids... Henomoheji is watching you... and he'll cut your ass if you mess up!
Today, I thought I would go ahead and jump into something a little different.
I made this journal to review stuff, so I figure, "What the hell? Why not get back on track once in a while"
So, in this post, I will review 3 games I recently rented: Ghost Squad, Castlevania: Judgement, & Warioware: Smooth Moves. Wish me luck!

Ghost Squad
Nintendo Wii
When I was in Japan, I loved going to the arcade and playing all the new shooting games that were there at the time. Ghost Squad just happened to be one of them. Now, I get to play the game from the comfort of my own home without being in Japan or a loud arcade. The main question while I stared at the game on the shelf was, "Do I really want it?" The answer was mixed. Ghost Squad makes it's expected appearance on the Wii and I have to say, the game is not as great as I remember it. Maybe playing with the zapper is not as fun as playing with the actual arcade gun that looked like a rifle. Maybe it's the fact that there are only 3 missions in the game. *Actually, there are more, but you only get 3 stages* It could very well be the less than great voice acting or the aging graphics. Either way, this game is still a fun half hour or so, especially if you play with a friend. For $20, I'd say it was a deal, but a better variety and more selection would be nice. I mean, it's not like they didn't try though. They had a training mode so you could show your friends how much of a better shot you were than them and a variety of unlockable costumes and weapons. Still, you would have to sit through the same 3 levels again, and again, and again to unlock everything.

Castlevania: Judgment
Nintendo Wii
To be honest, I really had no idea what the whole Castlevania franchise was about until I did some research on it after playing this game. Personally, I loved reading the back story to the franchise and seeing how everything fell into place. Playing this game, however, was another story. First off, I loved the art for this game ever since I first laid eyes on it. Takeshi Obata has a very distinct drawing style that's difficult to overlook. So, naturally I wanted to try this game out. You get to several modes to play in: Training, Story, Survival, and Castle *which I suppose is story mode, but it isn't?* Anyways, you start off with 2 characters if you play story *Alucard and Simon* and you get like 7 or 8 if you do story. The only way to unlock other characters is as standard as it gets; beat the game with a character, unlock a character. I have no gripes about that. In fact, I actually liked Castle mode. The cut scenes looked cool and the graphics were overall appealing, but the gameplay had little to be desired. Let me tell you what I didn't like too much: how to play. Essentially, you get no instructions on how to play, so when my first fight happened, I didn't do anything expect use my super, jump, and throw things. Apparently, you fight by flailing the Wii-mote around. This was extremely frustrating because when I did shake the remote, he only performed one kind of attack. So, flipping through the book, I had to try and find a way to do anything other than that move. To my surprise, *well, not really* there was nothing. Naturally, I tried to figure it out and could only get so far before my anger and frustration got the better of me. I only played this game for a good hour or so before feeling the urge to destroy the game. Overall, the graphics are nice, the music is awesome, the character selection is meh, and the gameplay is crap.

Warioware: Smooth Moves
Nintendo Wii
I don't know why, but I'm always drawn to party type games. Maybe it's my competitive spirit that gets the best of me when I see them. Anyways, this game has been on my radar ever since I first heard it was coming stateside. Of course, those who know me well, know that when I forget something, I can forget it for a long time and then have it spontaneously come back. :P
Moving on, I've really enjoyed the Warioware games that have come out in the past, so naturally I assumed that this game would be just as fun. Well.... it was. I thoroughly enjoyed this game. All the randomness, mixed art, and interactivity just make this something that you'll have a hard time putting down. It's even better when you play with a friend. *Let's face it, you know you can chop wood faster XD* Plus, all the random poses the game teaches you to do with your wii-mote are pretty funny. The tutorials were a bit creepy, but it's a warioware game. What do you expect?! My only gripe is that some of the games are pretty damn hard. But I guess that's what practice is for, right?
Hope I didn't do too bad on this review. :P and just maybe, you'll see more random review pop up from time to time...
Until next time!
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Abingdon Boys School - STRENGTH [PV]
FINALLY! Another song from TM's band. I had almost forgotten about them until I ran across this song in a music forum. Apparently, it's being used as the new Soul Eater ending *I say "apparently" because I've pretty much stopped watching anime all together, so I'm not really up to date anymore :P*, and I have to admit, it's pretty good. The main thing I love about the song is the classical piano they've mixed in with it. It gives it more attitude and meaning. The only con is the randomness that occasionally just popped out of nowhere and the setting. Other than that, I liked the song and the PV.
Rating = ★★★★½
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... Hope seems further.

On Feb. 2nd, I had officially been working at The Home Depot for two years. The year seemed to end so quickly for me. It's an awesome, yet extremely depressing feeling.
Who would have thought I'd be here that long. I certainly didn't. XD
Even though I get paid way more than I ever thought I would be getting paid as a PT employee, my hours have been horribly dropped to the bare minimum. It really sucks.
I'm still working on saving up money for the Summer and so on.
Since I work pretty much only 3 days a week now, I think I might take a road trip one of these days, just for the hell of it....
Anyways, I'm just waiting for school to end. The quarter is halfway done, which means, I'm halfway done with school. I can't wait to get away from this school. I just want my degree so I can GTHO of here. hahahaha
Aside from that, there really isn't anything new.
So, until next time!
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As the Horizon Draws Closer...

*Is it natural that I have a small panic attacks when I hear about any updates about this...... DEMO FOR 360 TOMORROW!!!!!!1!!1! *
Sorry for the lack of updates the past few days. It's not like I've been busy. I just haven't had any new updates really. : P
- Pre-ordered Resident Evil 5 for the 360 today. It was an awesome moment. Can't wait to get it. Apparently, you get this game cell with the order as well, so I'm really looking forward to that as well.
- School has been a mixed bag of fun. I only have two classes and they're actually pretty easy. Environmental Science doesn't seem too bad and I'm actually enjoying Piano. I have a song that I want to learn how to play, but I think that I have to study a lot more before I'm able to do it. :/ I'm kind of impatient though hahaha.
- Work has been equally "fun". I got a raise *Yay!*, but my hours have been cut down to 20 X# It really sucks.
- In about 6 more days, my 2 year anniversary at the Depot will be here. I have to admit; I'm both ecstatic, but horribly depressed. It's amazing that I've managed to hold a job this long, but I never imagined it would be here. .__.
Aside from that, there's really nothing new. I can't wait till this term is over. I'll be done with school here and hopefully, with this place.
Even though I've somewhat grown attached here, I can't shake the feeling that I was meant to travel. So that's something I plan to do. But, that's a topic for another post..
Until next time!
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And so it begins again

*This giant instrument statue at the Seattle Music Experience. Pretty awesome overall*
Looks like school starts again for me tomorrow.
I decided to cut some corners this term and just take two classes, instead of three.
And to go a little bit more in depth, I've decided to drop Japanese. :/
It's not necessarily a choice I wanted to make, but facing the options in front of me, I decided that this was probably the best route.
Japanese class was ok. For the last two terms, I've just kind of been sitting there and staring at the wall, but it was still ok.
Seeing as how this is my last term at this college, I kind of wanted it to be more laid back and fun. Will I regret dropping this class? Perhaps.
I have not intention of dropping this language of course. I'll still be doing my independent studying. Sometimes I felt like I was learning more by myself than in the class :/
Plus, when I move onto my next college, I intend to take more Japanese classes as well.
I guess that's the first step in for 2009 : P
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It's been quite an interesting year. Looking back on it, I thought the year went by pretty quickly actually. This year had as many positives as it did negatives. This year may not have had the biggest changes, but it definitely had a lot of events.
- This is technically the last year that I'll be attending SPS
- I managed to save enough money to go on my Summer trip back to Japan
- Same job, different position. Happy 2 years at the Depot to me. : PA
- My CA trip was much shorter this time around, but I'm definitely working on fixing that for next time
- My time in the President position at the club I'm in is finally winding down. It's a great relief, but at the same time, a little saddening.
Another year has passed... but I predict that this year will be the year of change for me. I'm hesitant, but looking forward to it. I'm ready to take on anything and everything this year throws at me. I can definitely sense that this year won't be boring... at least for the most part hahaha.
Until Next time.
Happy New Year!
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