*Yummy peach drink with Peach chunks!*
So, I figured it's about time for another over view of what happened on Day 3 and 4
Day 3
The day started usual enough. We woke up around 1pm and were trying to think of things to do. Shuu was looking on a music site to see what concerts we could attend in the future and saw that there was one concert the same day. Being me, I asked "Well, who is it?" Turns out, it was a band called 遺伝子組換こども会 *an アングラ系 band that was really cool to listen to* and ゴールデンボンバー *Not sure what the hell they were XD*. I hadn't heard of either of the bands prior to that day, so I was a little anxious, but not completely ready to go. The live was at 6, so we decided to head out around 3:30 to ensure ourselves that we got to the area just in case we got lost.... again. Sure enough, we did get sort of lost. *We ended up bailing on the train and just walking to the next station* However, we made it there and with one hour left to spare. When we got there, it was very apparent that:
1.) We were the only guys there.
2.) We were the only foreigners.
It was very awkward; especially the wait. That was probably the worst part. However, 6pm came around and it was ready to go inside. We paid for our tickets *2800 yen a piece* got our 配布 *concert CDs* and useless drink tickets, then went inside. The place was very, very small. I think there was only about 50 people there.

こども会 was really cool to listen to. That day was the first time I had ever heard of them and they were pretty good. The skits that they did were pretty funny as well. The final skit at the end was also really funny. Awkward. But funny. They're one of my top favorite bands now XD ★★★★★
ゴールデンボンバー was..... uhmmm..... yeah. They were something. They had a few good songs, but the thing about them was that only the vocalist and the guitarist did anything. There was a bassist and drummer but they didn't actually do anything but pretend to play the instruments. :/ The bassist, however, had a really cool outfit, so he's forgivable. XD The gag with this band was how the vocalist would kept saying "無料配布" *Free CD* every time the guitarist would finish his "solo" *which was basically handing out mini x-rays of the vocalists broken shoulder, drinking a blended McDonald's meal, having "sex" w/ a blow up doll, drinking pudding/ lemon juice concoction, and drinking a giant pudding thing XD* They were seriously weird. But, they were amusing. So, props to them. ★★★★☆
Day 4
We were supposed to go to the Euphoria concert, but we had found out the day before that I wouldn't have enough money to cover the whole thing. *Shuu had run out of money and I was spotting him till we could find an ATM that would accept international cards* Turns out that same day, I had done some research and found that not only did the inner city Post Offices have ATMs that operated in the weekends, but the 7-11's also had international ATMs. What killed us was the fact that there was one only 5 mins away XD. So, after getting our money, we grabbed something quick to eat and did our Oki thing where we ate in front of the store.

*Normal bottle of orange juice... or is it....?*

The experience was pretty cool, until a cat decided to invade our space and watch us as we ate. Seriously, it just sat there and watched us. It was very creepy/ annoying. We hurried up and left. Since we finally had money again, and had missed the Euphoria concert, we decided to just go カラオケ in 池袋 Instead, we ended up CD shopping again for another 3+ hours XD

*What I got on the second + first day of CD shopping*
After FINALLY finishing that, we decided to カラオケ. We went to Big Echo, which is the popular カラオケ chain in Japan. We had initially decided to just go for 2 hours, but it ended up being a 4 hour deal XD Short version of the event. *Lots of screaming and lots of water XD*

Some bands we did were:
Ayabie 彩冷える
Dir en Grey *Vulgar and Prior*
Hime Ichigo 姫苺
An Cafe *before they became lame*
Enter Shikari
Avenged Sevenfold
Maximum The Hormone
After we finally finished, we went to the counter to pay and found out that we had seriously miscalculated the price for カラオケ. The bill was 9,400 something. *$90 O_O* Simply put, we'll be sticking to the hours we stated from now on and try to keep away from Big Echo. <- We later remembered that the chain itself was really expensive. Later in the evening, we decided to grab something to eat *it was like 2 am now* so we went to なか卯 *The place from the other day* I wasn't all that hungry since I had bought some 弁当 from Family Mart a few hours before. When we got there, I was feeling a little daring decided to try something new. [Note: Whenever I try something new, it almost never goes right. XD] I had seen this program on 納豆 earlier that day was thinking "Hey.... Not a lot of people like this stuff. I wonder why..." I only half regret eating that stuff. It smelled awful and it tasted equally bad.

*It actually looked a lot better before I added the Soy Sauce XDD*
After that experience, I had to buy some candy and something to drink to get the taste out of my mouth. XD

*Mmmmm.... Green Tea Ice Cream*

*Japanese KFC Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich*
Day 5
Yesterday, we decided to try our luck in finding flower records *This rare CD store that has a lot of 配布 from bands* Getting there wasn't that bad really. In fact, it was really easy to find. The problem wad the store itself, which was the small room, packed with boxes of CD and stuff. It was very, very, very packed. It was hard to move and it just seemed like you shouldn't be touching anything b/c either 1.) it's dirty or 2.) it will collapse on you. XD Apparently, there were a few rarz there, so Shuu bought one thing and I bought another and we left. To make up for the experience, we went to Like an Edison *another CD store, which wasn't all that spectacular* and the last Closet Child in Tokyo. [Note: For those of you who don't know what Closet Child is, it's a CD store that sells a lot of awesome/ rare CDs in Tokyo and has been raping our wallets for the last 3 days XD] After leaving there, with yet another bag of CDs, we headed to a ラーメン place to grab something quick to eat. Shuu got 醤油ラーメン *Soy Sauce Ramen* and I got おもちラーメン *Mochi ramen* After that, we headed back and that was basically it.
And now, we come to today... What will we do now...? Will update again later!
1 comment:
Admit it, you're so into カラオケ.
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