So, today was kind of a mixed bag really.
The day started off as usual. I had gotten up a little early today and was ready to go out and do some stuff. I woke up Shuu and he got up... for a little while. He went back to sleep after 5 mins. XD So, I spent the day planning last minute things to do and so forth. I was looking up お菓子や in the area and found a 沖縄料理レストラン instead. I was also researching how to get some 泡盛 back into the US. I think I'm doing it right, but I guess I'll find out when I get there. :P When Shuu finally woke up for good, I went out to go buy some snacks. since I was a little hungry. I told Shuu about the place when I got back and we decided to check it out.
Amazingly enough, it was just down the street, not even 5 mins away. Once inside, it had a very 沖縄 atmosphere. It was very 懐かしい. After a while, the owners and their daughter started to talk to us, in essentially complete 日本語. I felt really happy when I was there. I could understand a good majority of the owner and the wife's stories and even talked a little bit. You could tell they were from 沖縄 b/c they were willing to talk to us and so forth; something that's really uncommon in food places here in 日本. The owner played the 三線 while the daughter and the wife danced. They tried to get us to dance, but instead I just sat there and moved my hands to the music. XD It was a lot of fun. After a while, the owner handed the 三線 to Shuu and told him to practice, since he had said that he played in the past. We sat around for another hour just talking. We finally decided to up and leave and talk about what had happened. It was really a lot of fun going to the place. I hope to come back again some day.

Later that night, I wanted to run one more errand, called the "manga run". I had to go buy some まんが for some friends, so I decided to go to the BOOK OFF. *One of my favorite places to buy まんが* I had to take the train to 天王寺, though, since there were really no 書店s in the area. Getting there was easy enough, however, I had a hard time figuring out where the exit was that I needed to get to, so I had to walk around a little bit. However, it wasn't too far from where I was, so I got there really quick. After getting the stuff, I headed back . I ran into some English people staying here as well and they were talking about how they were trying to use US money in a store. I died a little on the inside. I tried to avoid them to the best of my ability and luckily I did. I just had to take the stairs instead of the elevator. I swear, when I finally got onto my floor, I could still hear them in the elevator and they were on the 4th floor! *We're on the 8th ><*
That was the extent of my day, I spent most of my time now, just watching TV and packing. I had already pre-packed this morning, so I didn't have a lot to do. Now, I just wait. The flight is in 13 hours. I'm not too excited to be sitting for another 10+ hours, but I don't really have a choice.
We'll be out of here at 10am and heading to 関西空港. From there, we'll just be chilling till it's time to depart. Will write again when I get back to the US.
See you all later!
1 comment:
Aww, you could have helped the English people! After all, you are planning to teach English! XD Sorry, bad joke.
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