I've been slacking on my updates, so I really need to try and keep up with Shuu. XD So, let's start!
Day 7:
Today was『裏★海賊盤。』005発売記念イベント Day! We had sort of planned in advance to attend this show, but not really. I think on the 4th day we had reserved some tickets to see this concert. We were originally planning on going to this アングラ系 live in 名古屋, but that fell through after we found out how much it would cost to go there for the day and come back. *I'll give you a hint: It's very, very expensive from where we are :/* So, we hopped on the train and headed over to 高田馬場 to find AREA where the concert was being held. It wasn't that hard to find, nor was it too far from the station. There was a sort of medium sized theater sign that said the name of the live house, so that made it really easy. As we approached the place, we noticed that the entrance was just stairs leading down into the basement and that there was already a line of ladies waiting to get in. We stalled for a few minutes to save ourselves from awkwardness, but eventually gave in and stood in line. When everyone started to whip out there tickets, I knew we were in trouble. We had never really done a reservation before and we had no idea where the tickets came from. So, we ended up letting all the people behind us go in and stay behind to ask some other attendees where to pick up tickets. Apparently, there was a table just down the stairs out of sight where you pick up the tickets. :/ After we got that straightened out, we purchased yet ANOTHER drink fee that we didn't use *I really hate those ><* and headed inside. The live didn't start for another half hour so we stalled. When the time came, the lights dimmed to off and the curtains opened...
DELUHI: I had previously downloaded one of there albums and it was pretty good, so I had sort of an idea of what they sounded like. However, when that were on stage they impressed me quite a bit. Heavy, dark, and I think the guitarist was pretty awesome acting all crazy insane XD. The songs were solid and it was great seeing them live.
★★★★½カル・ヴァリ: There was just something about them that wasn't right. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing *look wise*. The bassist was pretty cool, but that was about it. I'd try to explain what they were like, but I just can't seem to remember :/
★☆☆☆☆ Like Absolute Myself: Uhmmm.... I had a really hard time just remember who the hell this band was XD That should give you a hint as to what I think of them.
½☆☆☆☆Zip.er: I had heard from Shuu that his friend Yama had told him in advance that there was nothing good that would come from this band. Naturally, I only half listened and decided to give them a shot. Wow.... I was very wrong. As soon as the singer came out on stage I thought "What the hell is Miku from An Cafe doing here?!" Upon a closer look, I noticed it wasn't him. But damn, was it close. One of the guitarist also looked like カノン from the same band. I tuned them out after seeing that. The one thing about them that creeped me out the most was the fact that the bassist kept looking at me. It was really uncomfortable and I was seriously hoping they would finish soon. ><
☆☆☆☆☆vistlip: Hmmmm.... The guitarist looked pretty cool and they all matched look wise, but there was something about them that didn't sit well with me. Maybe it was the singer's need for everyone to cheer almost every moment he wasn't singing or that their songs seemed to be, for the same of a better word, "generic". I'm not sure what it is, but it's not a good thing...
愛狂います。: The final band to go on and the highlight of the show. I had been listening to their music for a while, so I was really looking forward to seeing them. They were nothing like the pictures, but that made them no less awesome. The singer was crazy, but that made them interesting to watch. I tried keeping up with all the hand movements, but I fell a little short. Definitely would like to see them again someday. :)
★★★★★After the concert, we headed over to a CD store and bought the new アジカン mini album. Needless to say, the album was awesome. I think everyone should buy it.... Yes.... BUY IT NOW!!! XD
Day 8
Such a boring day... I woke up around 12 and was just using the internet *trying to catch up on my マンガ/ アニメ* Shuu finally got around to getting ready, but by then, it was late afternoon. :/ So, we went out to eat and being the person that I am, I wanted to try something new. We went to this place called わたみん家. I thought it was a grill place where you cook your own food, but once we went in, we found that it was not like that at all... It was a place that specialized in やきとり, one of my favorite Japanese foods, but it was terribly expensive. So, we got something small, paid the bill, which was kind of high considering what we bought and went down to the AM/PM and Family Mart to buy something else to eat. Afterward, we walked down to 目白 to find a LAWSONS to we could buy some アジカン tickets.............. That didn't happen because they were 完成 with the tickets sales for the venue we wanted to go to.............................................................. I'm still a little mad, but I've chilled out a bit. I bought some マンガ to ease the rage. XD Then, I bought a few bottles and alcohol and headed back. マンガ and 酒. What an awesome combo! XD
Day 9
"Seriously, this lounging around has to stop!" I thought. So, I got up early, got ready, and left a note for Shuu stating that I had gone to the JUMP Shop in 水道橋, which was in 東京ドームシティ *one of my favorite cities here in Tokyo* The way to get there was awful however. I hadn't been there in years and now I had to find a way to get there again. I had Google mapped it the night before, but I had no idea how to buy a ticket for the 丸ノ内線 *which I learned later, that I could have bought a ticket for that stop right at the station I departed from XD* So, instead, I paid the extra fee and ride the 中央線. Once at the station, I made my way into the Tokyo Dome shopping area in the attempt to find the store. There was something going on that day *I think it was a fashion show* but I didn't pay too much attention to it. I made my way to where the store was but.... it wasn't there anymore. O_O There was a map/ note on the door that said they had moved to the other side of the area, but I misread the map and ended up walking around the building. X## After a while of walking, I found out that they had just moved down the street. *Only about 2 mins away actually XD* I don't need to explain how awesome the store was. *If you're a Shounen Jump fan, you will love this store* I had to restrain myself from letting the store rape my wallet again. XDD Once I finished with that, I headed back to 椎名町 and got back to the room. Shuu was awake by then and was online. He saw the bags and immediately asked, "So.... buy any manga?" My response was "Uhhhmmmmmmm........ no" XDDDD Good Day. Later, that evening, we headed out to grab something to eat. I made the mistake of suggesting we try something new. So, we went to McDonalds and bought...... メガタマゴ!I died a little bit on the inside after eating that. It was the first time in years I had eaten at McDonalds, let alone a hamburger. It was..... just awful. We'll never speak of it again.

*The Set [which cost about 600 yen]*

*The sandwich [enough to make even Satan want to vomit]*

*Shuu attempting to stomach the damn thing*
Day 10
We were supposed to meet
Elec in 池袋 at 3 that day, so we got ready and headed out around 3pm. *It was one station away XD* We kind of got lost when we got there, but once we remembered where to meet, we found it quickly and in no time we met up. We headed over to Tokyu Hands *this dept. store with A LOT of interesting items* and just chatted as we browsed around. We then headed to Brand X, which was really not that interesting actually. :/ It was like 自主盤 + Flower Records combined. Though they had some rare stuff, it was all still full price. So, we headed to Closet Child 池袋 again. We browsed, talked about bands, and bought some things *my smallest bill at Closet child to date: ¥1,700 * Afterward, we headed to Shakey's Pizza and.... bought Pizza, duh.

*The famous pizza from Elec's page*
XD We must have talked for a good 2 hours while we were there, but it was great. A lot of stories, experiences, etc. It was a really good night. Afterward, we headed back to the station where we went our separate ways. We'll be seeing him again though tomorrow for his concert in 埼玉. It will be fun.... but now comes the problem.... this is our last night in the hotel. We need to find a place to go....
Day 11 (Today)
I woke up this morning to my alarm going off *which I ignored* followed by the phone ringing. I got up and answered the phone and found out that it was the front desk asking when we were heading down to check out. To my surprise, it was 2 minutes till check out. O_O I asked if there was any way we could extend our stay 2 more nights and I was put on hold. Half asleep, confused, and using choppy Japanese, I was really hoping that the guy would be able to extend our stay. Luckily, he did and we didn't have to pay too much *3150 per person for each night* I said thanks and he asked when I would be down to pay. I said I'd be ready in about half an hour and that was that. I sat on the side of the bed half asleep, when Shuu woke up and asked what had happened. I explained the situation and it was pretty awesome. Awesome enough for him to go back to sleep. XD
So, today, we're going to 埼玉 to see Elec play and just hang out there for a little bit. I'll be sure to report on that tonight or tomorrow morning. Until then.... Later!